Mia Allen and the Monsters of the Mind Part 3

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*Nora walks down the hall with her phone out in front of her*

Nora: God. No bars at all. This place sucks.

*in the corner of her eye, she sees something peeking out of Mia's backpack in her room. She looks over. And out of nosy curiosity, walks in and takes it out. It is the Naturum Demonto*

Nora: Ew...what the hell kinda book is this?

*she opens it up and flips through, seeing much of the morbid and demonic art inside*

Nora: How psycho is that bitch that she brings this book around with her?

*she comes across a drawing of a demonic figure with a skeletal face and a withering body hovering over a person stabbing themselves in the stomach. She notices the passage above the image*

Nora: ...Kanturo Benita Vermada?

*in the darkness of the night, something evil is darting through the woods to the cabin*

Nora: What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

*it's getting closer*

Nora: *slams it shut* God. *shoves it back in the backpack*


*Nora hears a mysterious thud outside. She peeks out the window, it's just that an apple fell from a tree. She shrugs and walks into the living room, where everyone is sitting, a tv is on, it's an 80s or 90s model, like an outdated one that would be in a high school classroom, the movie Rumble in the Bronx is on*

Dominic: How are you feeling Mia?

Mia: ...better.

*Nora furiously glares at Dominic talking to Mia*

Oscar: Good! We were all waiting to see that smile.

*Nora stomps off angrily*

*soon after, everyone is getting ready for bed. Mia looks over at the gun in the closet *

Do it

*she slowly walks towards the closet, steps in, and grabs the gun *

It's the only way

*she looks at it in her hand*

Your brother.
Your mother.
Everyone you have is dead.
These people here are only pretending to care.
There is nothing left for you to look forward to except the small silver piece of metal traveling through your brain, giving you relief and peace in the eternal darkness.

*she shuts herself in the closet*

So do it

*she closes her eyes and puts the gun under her chin*

Do it

*her finger hovers over the trigger*

Do it

*she starts breathing heavily*


*and she's about to pull the trigger when...*

Evelyn: Mia?

Mia: ...yeah I'm coming. *she puts the gun back up and walks over to the doorway to her room, Evelyn is standing there*

Evelyn: I just wanted to say good night.

Mia: Oh. Yeah....*softly smiles* Good night Evelyn.

*Mia shuts the door*

Mia: *sigh*

*Meanwhile, Dominic climbs into bed. Nora is in the bed too, but facing away from him*

Dominic: I don't know why you've been so upset today.

*Nora doesn't say anything*

Dominic: I mean are you mad at me about something?

*she still doesn't say anything*

Dominic: C'mon Nora. I can't help if you don't talk to me.

Nora: *still facing away from him* Why don't you talk to your little girlfriend instead?

Dominic: ...what?

Nora: You know who I'm talking about. "Oh Mia, are you ok my sweet rose? Oh Mia, what's wrong darling? Will you marry me Mia?"

Dominic: *annoyed* Really? Come on Nora. You know I've just been trying to help her, we all have. Except you.

Nora: Please. I know you think about fucking her.

Dominic: Nora, you're being very selfish right now.

Nora: Oh I'm being selfish? You know what's selfish? You wanting to stick your little white cock inside her filthy whore CUNT!

*and as she says that last word, her voice changes and sounds deep pitched and twisted, but that sounds is layered onto her regular voice. She suddenly flips over, her skin gray and clammy, and her eyes are a dark yellow, her pupils dilated to a massive size*

Dominic: AAAA! AAAA!

*Nora gets on top of Dominic*

Nora: You think she likes it rough? Like THIS? *she wraps her fingers around his neck and squeezes*

Dominic: >hurk!<

*Mia, Evelyn, and Oscar burst in, and are shocked to see what's going on, especially Mia*

Oscar: Let him go Nora!

*Nora simply looks over at the group and grins*

Nora: Nora isn't here right now. Please leave a message after the *shrieks*

*Oscar picks up a bedside lamp and smashes it over Nora's head, knocking her off of Dominic and onto the floor, Dominic scurries over to the others*

*everyone crowds together, as Nora gets up, a look of pure rage on her face*

*everyone watches in horror, but Mia is especially affected by this, she's getting flashbacks to that night a few years back*

Nora: I hope you think she's worth it Dominic, because I'm so fucking angry with you that I'm going to feast on your soul! *she lunges at him, but everyone pulls him away from her*

Oscar: Let's fucking run! *everybody runs out of the room, Evelyn slams the door shut. She and Mia hold it closed as Nora is banging on it trying to escape*

Dominic: Let's block the door!

Mia: My dresser!

*Dominic and Oscar run her room and start pushing her dresser to the hallway. Mia and Evelyn continue to hold the door closed, but suddenly, Nora's hand bursts through. Mia and Evelyn scream as she feels around for one of them. Dominic and Oscar push the dresser in front of the door and over the hole, blocking it*

Nora: *from inside* You all will be dead by dawn! Especially you Dominic, you two-timing bastard, and you Mia, you filthy whore!

*Mia freezes*

Nora: That's right! Don't think we haven't forgotten about you! You escaped us once but not this time you bitch!

Oscar: What the fuck is she talking about?!

Mia: I....I better show you.

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