Ash Williams and the Town that Time Forgot Chapter 4

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*Ash, Jack and Madame LeGrange are back at the saloon*

Ash: Hey LeGrange, I've been meaning to ask  you something...there anything you can tell me about this? *hands her the rooster stone he found earlier before*

Madame LeGrange: Ah, zis is a very special talisman, mon ami. It will help you in your time of need.

Ash: Why is that always the response whenever there's a magic item?

*Just then, Benny from earlier plops right down next to Ash*

Benny: So stranger, looks like you've lasted longer than I expected.

Jack: Hey leave him alone Benny.

Ash: It's alright Gramps he's just the person I wanted to see.

Benny: Oh really, and just why is that?

Ash: Marshal and I are making an excursion tomorrow. Could use another set of hands.

Benny: And just what, pray tell, is this excursion, stranger?

Ash: Taking down that ugly cow-eating lizard monster.

Benny: Oh really?

Ash: Yep.

*Benny looks over at Jack, who nods*

Benny: ...HA HA HA HA!  Y'all crazy, it's suicide! HA HA HA HA! ...ah, fuck it. I'll join your little posse.

Ash: We leave at sunrise tomorrow, welcome to the team. *shakes his hand*

Benny: I like your style, stranger. Hey bartender, bring up two sarsaparillas!

*Bartender slides over two sarsparillas across the table*

Ash: Thanks. *they clink their drinks* And the name's Ash.

Benny: Well Ash, this looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

NEXT:  We finally get to the action!

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