Ash Williams and the Town that Time Forgot Chapter 3

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*Ash, Jack and Madame LeGrange are sitting at a round table, it's very dark except for a few candles. There's a crystal ball in the middle, Madame LeGrange has her eyes closed and is humming*

Jack: *whispering* You sure about this Ash?

Ash: *whispering* Of course, I mean she knew my name despite never seeing me before and me being from a different time, so she's gotta be psychic! Besides, she's hot so that's a good sign.

Jack: sigh...

Madame LeGrange: Silence, s'il vous plaît?

Jack: Yes ma'am.

Ash: Oh of course! Absolutely, I know when to shut up when I'm told, if it's silence you want you got it, yessiree nothing coming from—

Jack: *nudges Ash*

Ash: right. *shuts up*

Madame LeGrange: *giggles then goes back to consulting her crystal ball. A few minutes later, she speaks up*

Madame LeGrange: Mr. Williams?

Ash and Jack: Yes?

Madame LeGrange: Ze handsome one.

Ash and Jack: ...yes?

Madame LeGrange: Ze one handed one.

Ash: Present! *holds up his stump*

Madame LeGrange: I see you going to a cabin with your friends...but unleashing unspeakable evil in the process.

Ash: On accident.

Madame LeGrange: Yes, on accident. And I see you fighting it over ze course of two nights, but at a terrible price.

Ash: Lost a lot of great people that day. And my good hand.

Madame LeGrange: I also see you soon after fighting alongside knights and kings.

Jack: ...who ARE you?

Ash: I'll explain later. Alright sweetheart skip to the good part, how do I get home?

Madame LeGrange: In order to send you home, I will need ze Necronomicon.

Ash: Dammit! It's in my time!

Madame LeGrange: Yes...but zis is around 160 years before your time. And at zis time, I have it in my possession.

Ash: Oh wonderful!

Madame LeGrange: But I will require somesing else...

Ash: Oh anything! You name it!

Madame LeGrange: Ze blood of a creature risen from ze depths of hell.

Ash and Jack: ...

Madame LeGrange: Do not fret. For zere is one near.

Jack: The one hurting our cattle!

Ash: I knew there was something off about those eyes, it's a deadite creature! *turns to Jack* Well Gramps, guess you're getting my help to beat that thing after all!

Jack: Can you please stop callin' me Gramps?

Madame LeGrange: You are his Great-great-grandfather, Marshal.

Jack: ...oh. Well still!

Ash: Alright Gramps I'll quit with it. Now let's head back to town! I need a drink and the help of a certain someone...

To be continued...

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