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A couple of days later thanks to the constant aid of her aunt, Xenia had finally gained a little consciousness but that didn't mean she was even strong enough to lift a finger talk more of waking up.

The bruises were still a deep shade of blue against her pale skin, usually she should have been all healed up by now but that was the thing about getting hurt by your mate, the bruises were always slower in healing and it was something about standing as a reminder of what you had been through as a result of your mate.

Xenia opened her eyes and faced the high canopy that surrounded her bed, she had been lost in thought about a lot of things especially the situation she had going on with her mates.

She wished that it was so easy, at least if it were easy she would have simply set them free because she would never be the reason they were unhappy, she loved them too much to be the cause of their unhappiness but what could she do?.

Over the years she had wondered if by any chance at all she could probably be the woman who would be worthy of their affection but then again how could she?
She was nothing like the kind of women she saw them with and that was way before Melissa even came into the picture.

Thinking back about it got her wondering if maybe she had done something wrong along the lines, had she done something unknowingly to ignite so much hate and contempt?, but then again even if she had, why couldn't they ju-

   "Everyday, people of different cultures, traditions, customs, norms, colors, races, cities, countries, mortals, immortals, supernaturals and naturals alike find themselves in that dark place where they keep questioning the very essence of their existence, they wonder what they did so wrong to deserve the Sad and unfortunate circumstances life keeps dealing them"

Xenia turned to see her uncle who stood proud in the door frame with his arms crossed.

   "Do you know what makes the difference at the end?"
He asked Xenia who shook her head in the negative.

   "Each individuals ability to understand that you did nothing wrong,  Xenia life happens, it comes with the good days, the bad days and even the terrible days, it doesn't care about what you want or how you want it to happen, you just have to know that at the end of the day it gets so much better than you would have ever imagined."

He smiled kindly and walked closer to her before slowly taking her hand and rubbing her palms in a comforting manner.

"I'm not going to tell you what to do Sunshine, neither am I going to make the decision for you, you are the strongest person I know and I hope you never loose sight of that"

With that He kissed her head and walked away leaving Xenia in tears and sorrows.

Everyone keeps saying that it gets better but who were they kidding, it was definitely not her because she had no clue what life getting better looked or felt like, for her it had always been the dark nights that never produced better days ahead.

Soon she had fallen asleep still digesting the possibility of a time when she was ever going to be happy like everyone always wished for her.


Xenia had slept not quite long before she shot up from the bed and landed on her back on the hard floor where she saw the sole of a persons feet.

How could fate do this to her?
She kept wondering, or was she meant to always suffer in the arms of people who would rather put her down, how could they show her such a vision? How could they do this to her?
She kept ranting in her heart absolutely disregarding the other person in the room.

   "I'm sorry my sunshine"
Were the only words that left her aunt's lips.

    "Why Me?"
Came Xenia's teary reply.

    "I can't answer that my love"

    "They should have shown you alone aunt Natasha, I can't do this"
Xenia insisted even if she knew she had no choice than to do as she had been told.

     "You have an hour before you are too late Xenia, we must go now"
Were her aunts words before rushing into the closet and returning with a sweatpant and sweater and then proceeded to help the young female change.

If the situation were different, The older woman would never let her neice go on such an errand, it was cruel to start with but who was she to stand in the way of fate, Xenia had no choice in the matter because before anything else. the girl was always going to be the Oracle.

Some minutes later her aunt lifted her in her arms and ran to King Eros throne room, the strongest witch in the realm was there and with the help of her aunt, the witch and her uncle they had succeeded in phasing her back home right on time to stop Melissa from making the trip that was about to take her life.

That had been the vision she had seen.

She didn't know what she would say but she just needed to arrive her mates chamber right on time to stop the woman who had their hearts, their affection and their care.

    Thankfully that didn't need to take too because Melissa had just turned the corner right on time to collide into her and  inadvertently sending the already weak Xenia falling on her already aching back once again but she didn't mind, she just needed to save the Nasty woman's life first.

   "Yet you wonder why they would never even consider you as a mere companion"
Melissa scoffed before looking at her in a condescending manner.

   "Please don't go Melissa"
Were the only words Xenia could mutter while she tried to stand on her feet, there was no one else there to help her so all she had were the walls around them.

   "Awww, are you jealous that I'm going to be joining MY mates in the city?"
Came Melissa's mocking reply.

   "No, That is definitely not the reason, just please listen to me this once"
Xenia pleaded desperately with her throat tightening and the pain from her injuries spreading through every part of her body.

  "Why should I listen to you?,
A female so weak, words could never com-"

   "Because you never make it to your destination, you die half way through and there was nothing anyone could do to save you, Not even My-"

The words never got to be spoken cause she felt a very sharp sting on her right cheek.

    "Be thankful that your parents are still the kings and queen cause when I ascend the throne, you will wish you were never born"

Angrily she had pushed Xenia down again and walked passed her and out of the palace, into her car and soon got into the private jet that crashes half way through her journey to the human city her mates stayed at.

The stubborn female had thought Xenia's words to be the words of a jealous woman and in disobedience and ignorance she had not only gotten herself killed but she had weighed one more death on Xenia's conscience.

From that Hallway Xenia had  phased back to the temple and passed out at the very center where the moon shone directly to the earth.

The very Center of her existence was now falling apart because what was a she doing as oracle if she couldn't keep one stubborn female alive.

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