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Xyon :

One would think that after spending so long on earth that I and my brothers finally understood the meaning of life
Except that wasn't the case, the way we  handled the entire matter as regards our mate was pure proof of how much of clear failures we are.

     "Hopefully we are actually forgiven for our foolishness"
Xerxes commented from the back where he was walking slower than normal, something he only did whenever he was having a nervous meltdown going on.

   "I wouldn't forgive myself if I was in their shoes brothers"
Was all I said before returning my attention to the stairs we were descending.

   "I just need us to be over and done with this so we can get to aunt Natasha, I believe there's so much we don't know and the mere thought is bothersome"
Xavier spoke before swinging the door open without knocking, a habit that was about to land him a smack.

   "How many damn times do I have to teach you to never barge into my office you brat"
Mother scolded, with each word came a smack in any available place she could reach while Xavier whined and ran around the room while our fathers were trying and failing in hiding the laughter that finally broke out.

    "I'm sorry mother, I was lost in thought"
He apologized which still landed him one more smack,  it was always the drill for him and mom whenever he barged into her space. Which was basically all the time, sometimes I just think he does it intentionally cause if I was smacked that hard all the time I know I would have stopped so long ago.

   "What brings you here boys"
Mother asked but not before taking a sit on Pape River's laps.  It was moments like this that I envied their relationship the most.
their love had lasted for so long but still it feels like it was just yesterday that they found each other. 

     "We came to apologize for the way we've acted towards Xenia mom"
Xerxes replied, ever the straight forward one, it's no doubt the reason he's the smartest and focused one, Xavier could never stay serious to save his own life.

     "We are truly sorry mom, dads,  there is no need to give you any excuses because none can justify our acts and dones but we are sorry anyway"
I apologized further before looking over at Xavier who was busy playing with mom's long hair that stretched across the table, her hair never seized to amaze me but he always had an obsession with it.

For the purpose of avoiding time wastage I stretched my feet and kicked his ankle so he could focus on the task at hand. Which worked because he glared at me before turning to mother and heaved a breath.

    "what we did was unforgivable but we hope to start this journey by begging for your forgiveness"
Was all he said before returning to whatever he was doing with mother's hair but this time I could sense the sadness that grew within him.

   "You don't owe us any apology because you didn't wrong us, you hurt your mate, you broke her heart and on different occasions you took her love for you  and spat in her face with it, you are apologising to the wrong people babies.   Go get your girl cause we got nothing but mad love for all of you " 

With that she smacked Xavier's hand away from her hair and walked over to the door and pulled it open,  slowly we had risen before turning to our father's who only smiled and nodded in approval.

Sometimes I wonder how we got to this point in our lives but now wasn't the time to get into that.

    "Thank you fathers, thank you mother."
With that we each hugged them and began walking to the car that was already waiting at the castle front.

   "Never have I been this nervous to meet aunt Natasha in my entire life"
Xerxes said before getting in the driver's seat while I sat at the back with Xavier who was already looking away.

    "All will be well"
Was all I could say in that moment.

   "The only words Xenia would speak whenever she knew for sure that shit was going far too south"
Xerxes commented from the front, earning chuckles from us cause that was the truth,  Xenia only ever said that all would be well whenever she had no control over a given event.

   "Sometimes I wonder how she managed to do it, if I had to administer to the bunch of people she did everyday I'd be sure to go mad"
Xavier wondered aloud.

   "A question I ask myself every day guys, it's like she finds strength for every moment just for the sole purpose of attending to these people"
I replied this time actually thinking back to the few times I met her in the middle of an Administration, I may never have said it but I always marveled at the sheer focus it took to get the job done.

    "I'm worried"
Was all Xavier said before running his hand through his hair and turning his attention to us.

   "I'm worried that what we find out might be the end of something we never even began, I'm worried that she might never forgive us, I'm worried that we don't make it to her on time, I'm worried about a future we might never get to see because we ruined the present by our hands."

In that moment I realized the real depth of our actions and for the first time ever, I couldn't bring myself to believe that all would ever be well.

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