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Xenia :

Slowly Elaine had placed me on the bed and covered me with a duvet before she began pacing the room, I could tell there was so much she wanted to say to me, there were so many emotions, so many questions, so many confusing thoughts, the uncertainty but somehow they all revolved around me and if there was any hope for me.

    Ever since the boys arrived, I noticed that I had a pinch of energy that could let me talk and even if what I say next is  the last thing I do for Elaine I hoped it was worth all the time and energy she put into me.

     "Elaine, Stop."
I managed to say before grabbing the glass of water on the side table and gulping a large quantity down.

    "For ten years you walked and worked beside me like I was the air you breathed, for ten years you sacrificed your time standing wherever you saw me stand and soon enough you became my second skin"
I stopped when I started coughing up more blood while She came with another glass of water and a bin bucket where I  rinsed my mouth and poured into the bucket.

    "Over the years I realized that I could never function without you and I never bothered to"
I stopped and patted the space beside me where I made her take a sit beside me.

    "You have come to the end of your journey by my side Elaine, I told you that day in my chamber with the other females that when you find your mate you should never let your duties to the Royal household stop you from going further in life, your time by my side has elapsed my beautiful Elaine, go out there and be with that man, he's the city worker you always dreamt about so what's holding you back now? It shouldn't be me Elaine so go ahead and be happy without the silly things of life"

I appreciated Elaine more than words could ever express and I'd give anything to have her by side to the very end but I knew it was time to walk her own path without me by her side as a burden,  I wanted her to grow into the woman she was meant to be and she would never be it with me by her side.

    "Step outside and invite your mate in, do not return till I'm done talking to him, you should go pack up your bags and that was an order Elaine"
I knew she would want to argue with me and I didn't have the energy for that.

     "this is not yet over princess"
She grumbled before stomping away from the room while I slowly laid back and relaxed on the headboard.

I heard the door open and in walked a very beautiful man but he seemed nervous and really petrified, I wasn't going to bother asking what happened cause I had a fair guess, I just didn't understand the sudden change in behavior.

    "Princess Xenia"
He bowed before lifting himself and looking everywhere but me.

     "Do not flatter me by bowing before me, very few people have lived long enough to encounter an aged dragon, I may be fairly acquainted with your kind but I will never raise myself high enough to be bowed to by your people"
I replied looking at the man before me who exuded so much majesty you could tell he was of high rank in uncle Eros realm.

   "Rarely are my kind ever impressed by other shifters but you and your household are the strongest there are out there and I'd be a fool to test your patience no matter what kind of shifter I am"
He replied before finally looking at me.

   "I know it's not my place to say this princess but how long will you manage without the energy another's life force is capable of providing you"
He asked with utmost respect and true curiosity mixed in his voice.

   "Very Little time Elder Keem, very little."
Was my reply before I started coughing again while he handed me water and the bin bucket.
Now I see why they were paired, they were kind and nurturing individuals and I prayed that they would birth children as beautiful as themselves.

  I turned and whispered a "Thank you" disregarding my gruff voice to which he nodded firmly.

    "I'm sure you must be wondering why I invited you I'm here and I can feel your anxiousness from miles away so please let me hasten this up so you don't run off on me"
I joked which earned a hearty laugh from the man who now stood so carefree before me.

    "Please take absolute care of my Elaine, she may think I don't notice but I do and I see all her struggles and anxieties, there are bits and pieces of her life that seems hard to come to terms with and I can see that with you she'll conquer them all so please help her through it all, I will not say much because I want you to walk your own path without the interference of fate and I hope that you make sure that it isn't the last time I see her before the inevitable comes,   go now she is waiting."

With that I turned the other way and began counting down to when She would burst in here except I never even reached five before she was hugging the air out of me.

I rubbed her back in a bid to comfort the hysterical female in my arms before I said  :
     "I will never forget you Elaine, and thank you for everything you did for me"

   "I will never forget you too princess Xenia, I hope you make it through this because you deserve so much better than this"
Were her final words before I pulled away and watched as she bid me goodbye and began walking away.

I had waited,  waited to hear her leave while my mates stood at the doorway and stared at me with pity swimming in their gorgeous blue eyes and as soon as I heard the chopper above the ship and into the sky, I let the first tear fall and it was soon accompanied by endless streams of tears.

I cried for all the times I spent with her, I cried for all the time she comforted me while she needed it more, I cried for all the times she would use me as a model for an upcoming clothing line she was tinkering with and at the end of the day she would call me the most beautiful woman in the world,
I cried for so many moments I would never get to share with her again but I was comforted by one thing and it was the fact that she becomes happy in the very end and in my heart there is nothing greater than that for me.

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