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Narrator :

Back at the ship, Xenia had spent the next four days doing the same routine, waking in the morning to eat whatever was provided even if it was never much, then she would sit in the deck throughout the day and then go to bed and cry like her life depended on the tears.

She was dying and she didn't need a soothsayer to say the words for them to sink into her brains, she could no longer do a lot of things like even walking like she used to, she could no longer breath without clutching her stomach like it would aid her breath, she was becoming weaker and paler as the days went by and she knew that it was only a matter of time before her life would be over.

Sometimes her parents would call endlessly but the only reason she never bothered to pick was because talking had become a very hard labor for her, she was no longer able to function like she used to because whatever energy she had left she used it in going through her day to day routine.

Sometimes she wondered what her mates were doing, obviously they hadn't been with anyone since then because she would have known, in as much as they hadn't accepted her rejection she could still feel something from their end, she just wished emotions were enough to keep one alive.

     "Your room is ready princess"
She heard the voice of Elaine who started walking towards her, Elaine had been a huge support and strength for Xenia this past few days.

    "Th-thank you Elaine"
She managed to whisper before she started coughing up blood,  this was something that only just began a day before, she had woken up with a heavy urge to cough and since then she hadn't stopped, at this rate she knew that it wasn't just her lack of a life force that was killing her, it was what she had termed to be her photographic memory, had she known that all those years she was busy making herself Leonardo DaVinci that she had been dragging her own death a little closer, she would have stopped.

   "What can I do Princess"
Elaine whispered before Xenia felt liquid droplets descending on her shoulder where Elaine was bent over,  This seemed to be a recurring routine for the both of them, Xenia would break down while Elaine would begin to cry like it was the end of the world.

   "Prepare yourself Elaine"
Xenia had whispered before holding on tightly and allowing Elaine pick her up considering she was slowly withering away.

     "I don't know how it happens, ma-maybe I'm also loosing my powers"
She stopped again to allow Elaine place her on the bed and cover her with the duvet.

    "but in a few hours you find your mate, I don't know how you meet him because everything is all mumbled up and"
She stopped to cough and this time the blood become thicker and more than the last, she couldn't feel her strength but Elaine needed to hear her.

     "Please stop talking Xenia, I beg you"
Elaine cried before grabbing Xenia's arm and holding it like she didn't want the princess to disappear.

   "I can't seem to separate anything,  just prepare and do not worry about me anymore for all will be well"
She mumbled before closing her eyes and allowing the darkness to consume her.

Slowly Elaine left the room and returned on deck where she began looking out to the endless Mass of land covered by the sea, she began to wonder why the world was so cruel, it seemed as though those who deserved death never got it but those who didn't deserve it always seemed to meet it earlier and in a more cruel manner than others.

For quite a while she'd sat there and continued to tinker with her thoughts that revolved around her prospective mate and the current state of the princess till she felt the breeze around her become heavy and soon she heard the sound of a descending chopper, she hadn't made the move to stand from her sit because the amazing scent of fire and earth had engulfed her nose and tickled her breath, this meant only one thing but she still stayed back to watch the outcome of this matter.

Soon the chopper landed on the landing pad of the ship while Elaine watched carefully as the beautiful princes jumped down, the Princes were very beautiful men but they weren't the ones her entire universe stood still for, it was the flawlessly beautiful man who stared at her like his world revolved around her and without words been exchanged she jumped on the deck stair and flung herself on him while he buried his nose in her hair.

That was a really beautiful sight to see but the Princes weren't there for that, they had a princess to see.

Quickly they traced her scent till it led them to a certain room in the ship, it was farther down with a hardwood design and as intricate as it seemed it wasn't what caught their attention, it was the male scent that seemed to be engulfing the hallway and ended right on that very door and it made them red with rage.

Yes they were angry but they knew they had no right to react brashly so they tried to calm down,  as good as the idea seemed they began to feel a certain type of disgusting excitement in the air, it felt weird and soon Xerxes broke down the door only to let out a growl so loud the entire sheep began to shake.

Right on the bed was Xenia who was now slowly opening her eyes only to be met with the sight of the co captain's hands dangerously close to the ropes of her sweatpant, what had he been trying to do was the first question that came to Xenia's mind but she was too weak to even utter a word instead she stretched forth her arms and was immediately lifted off the bed by Elaine who ran in as soon as she heard the Princes growl.

  Xenia didn't need to be told that a fate worse than death was about to befall that male, in her vision he had been beheaded by a wild animal, she had imagined that since he never failed to tell her about his love for adventure that maybe he actually dies in one of his trips.
She guessed that it had been a far fetched assumption, she almost smiled when she realized that just this once her mates had actually saved her from that cruel male.

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Diamond 💎

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