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Xerxes :

   She took deep breaths before smiling again at  the camera.

     "Xavier, I know you think I never noticed but thank you for all the nights you would take the pain away, thank you for never letting me fall far too deep into the dark regardless of your feelings towards me, I know it must have been an uneasy thing for you but I would eternally be grateful for coming to my aid"
She looked away and began blinking away unshed tears while Xavier broke down beside me which in turn caused a tear to fall from my own eyes.

    "Sometimes I would feel so overwhelmed by  fate and the hand it continued to deal us, while other times I would be lost in the endless abyss of other people's hunting nightmares and memories but regardless of what it was, I would always feel your hands on my head and somehow my mind would be put at ease and my heart would become still as the unbothered lights of the stars"

And this time I was the one who broke down because I never knew that she was suffering so much, how could anyone deal with so much pain only to wake up and continue each day like it never happened.

   "Over the years I watched as you put so much effort in building the steel branch of your business and through it all I was there cheering you on because why not, you were the best in what you do, I guess it's why you've got all that competition in the industry"
She scrunched up her face the way she did when she didn't understand something. Then she shrugged and bent over to pick up what we now noticed was a gift box which had me wondering if by chance she had any for me.

    "I remember the day you unveiled Xee's steel, I remember how all the ladies couldn't keep their eyes away from you and how you continued basking in their attention, telling tales of your tour around the world, acting all smug and invincible towards the men who wanted so badly to even have a hand shake with you and how in the end you left the party before it was even over,   Did you know that Queen Aria actually came fashionably late because she wanted to catch your attention?"
She asked and suddenly burst out laughing.

  "The disappointment she felt when she'd been told of your early departure from your own party, the look on her face was priceless guys and to think she'd been telling everyone that you were hers for the night"
She began laughing again.

   "Did you know of this?"
Xyon asked Xavier who smiled.

    "I was only told of her presence at the party but I had no clue what her reasons were for coming"
He replied before turning to look at Xenia who hadn't stopped laughing, I guess whatever she saw that day had to have been really funny to her.

  "Sorry about th-"
She began but never completed because she started coughing, thankfully she drank some water that aided her in catching her breath.

  She seemed okay in no time while we sat back, extremely worried about where this was headed. Xenia was never one to talk so much and yet she had spoken for close to an hour,  All for what?

    "Like I said before, I had no idea what to get someone who had everything so I got you this"
She spoke before raising the box and twirling it in her hands.

   "When I brought this over to your office Building, I met this lady who looked so much like me, it was mom and I actually and it was so hilarious when that lady had stood before us and rambled on and on about how she looked like us but me most especially.

It made me wonder what it would be like if I were a boy instead,  maybe I would also look like the three of you, probably share the indifferenciable  resemblance you had, besides I never got to enjoy whatever benefits they say comes with been a girl.

I guess I would never get to find out either because I never got asked out by any guys, they all teased me about it and always said I was the property of fate and they knew I would die soon while others said I was ugly and freaky, this one guy even said I was only good for being a submissive because he saw a good measure of submission in me, whatever that meant.

It never even bothered me though because then, it saved me the energy of trying to talk to people or even stressing about getting to know them, the less people I had to involve with the more energy I conserved, it was a win win situation but they never saw it that way, instead they mocked me for hoping that you'd come hang out with me instead except that wasn't the case either.
Anyways I don't know how it all played out to the very end but thank you for making the pain less for my weak heart to bear,   I know that you didn't have to but you did and for that I am deeply thankful to you and I'm also sorry for not being what you would have liked or wanted in a mate."

She stopped and put down the gift box before looking back up at the camera. I guess it was my turn now.

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