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Xenia :

   Over the years Xenia had learnt to stay away from her mates, she didn't need to stand in their way cause she knew what the consequences would be.

    "Let's go Elaine"
Xenia had smiled to the personal maid that never failed to stare at her with so much pity.

It's not that Elaine actually pitied her Mistress, she simply pitied the situation her Mistress was currently in,   it was always the same circle every day of her life and It was something Elaine never understood.

Everyday She watched the princess leave the castle to the Sanctuary where she either worshipped or prayed for the people and as soon as that is done she would proceed to the pack hospital where she participated in basically everything and after that she would attend dinner where she's all smiles and after that she would retire to bed where she would cry herself to sleep.

That was the life of the princess and Elaine had never seen otherwise,  having spent so long with the kind Oracle, Elaine began spending more time in the temple and all she ever did was pray day in day out for things to get better between the Princes and the princess, it wasn't just her but it was everyone's prayer in the kingdom.

Finally they had arrived the dinning hall where Xenia went straight to the sit between her father and mother to take a sit, now looking up she was met with the icy glares of her mates who in no time returned their attention to Melissa who was sitting right in between them.

Instantly a pang of jealousy had hit her because she was one again reminded that they didn't care about her and they would never accept her no matter what she did.

   "Hello mother, hello Fathers"
She greeted before digging into her food cause she wasn't in the mood to talk right then, the earlier she finished her food and retired so she could go wait for the inevitable the better it would be for her.

After a few bites she was abruptly stopped by the energy that came from the only woman who had a way of making dramatic entrances effortlessly.  
Many girls always admired and looked up to their mothers but the same couldn't be said for Xenia because her role model was non other than her aunt Natasha' who by the way just crossed the borders.

    "What's wrong princess"
Her father asked, probably concerned because of the way she suddenly stopped eating and started staring at the door as if her aunt was going to phase through it, she was capable by the way.

   "Aunt Natasha'"
Was all she whispered before the doors were singed open by non other than her aunt who strutted majestically till she stood some paces away staring at everyone as though scrutinizing them till her eyes landed on the Princes who shifted uncomfortably.

  Xenia knew that if her aunt was here then that meant that she knew of her current predicament. So, slowly Xenia rose from her sit and walked to where she stood a couple of paces away.
   "You Came" were the only words Xenia could speak before gently hugging her aunt who rubbed her back.

  "You are my kind in more ways than one, surely you didn't think I would leave you all by yourself my child"
Her aunt replied before pulling away and proceeded to greet everyone and took a sit in the dinner table.

Soon  everyone had gone back to eating and chattering amongst themselves except Xenia, her stomach had began to churn with expectations and nervousness, she felt the bile rising in her throat with the thick need to throw up but she held it all back.

Time was ticking and the disgusting scent of Melissa's arousal was gradually filling her nostrils all thanks to her brothers hands that were obviously under the table In a manner they knew Xenia was definitely going to notice.

How long could she endure it if all she could feel was disgust, incompetence, incomplete and vulnerable, she was a weak female, so weak that she was not even able to hold her own mates down and soon enough they were excusing themselves from the table because they had "Extremely important affairs to take care of" those were their words before they retired to their chamber while Xenia stayed back and in no time the first tear fell.

     "ԹՈՂԵՔ ՄԵԶ"
       (LEAVE US )
Aunt Natasha suddenly boomed into the dining room that in no time the people suddenly disappeared leaving some of their items behind as a result of the dragon queen's startling voice that had gone deeper and primal causing her fathers to roll their eyes at their sisters over dramatic style.

    "What is this about Natasha"
Her grandmother asked before dropping her cutleries and turning to the female who turned to Xenia, mentally asking if it was okay to tell them anything to which Xenia nodded before looking away.

She never understood the reason for the over reaction people always approached situations with,  life was prone to happen and she had slowly learnt to live it.

In no time there were growls and roars and a couple of broken  fine Chinawares and clattering objects which were always a tale tell of the aftermath of the wrath of her family, their temper hadn't gotten them killed yet and that was a good time.

   "What do we do since you've refused to let us Intervene"
Her father had asked before clenching his jaw.
It was moments like this that Made Xenia wonder how her mother always managed the three men perfectly well but then again her mother was a strong woman so it didn't matter how many mates she had, she would have handled them all the same unlike herself.

   "Let's go aunt, it's time".
Were the only words Xenia replied before rising to her feet and walking away with her aunt and the rest of the family right behind her.

In the beginning, her plan had been to be transported out of the pack and over to her aunt but now that she managed to get a glimpse of a possible outcome in all of this, she realized that the best solution was to be chained away in the cells.

Regardless of how weak a Lycan was, she would never stand back and watch her mate  be with another. And her case would have been worse considering the fact that she was an alpha female even if she was the weakest in the pack.

Life was always going to be hard but her position as oracle took away her ability to loose control like any other person ever could but in this very situation, self control could never be promised.



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