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Time and process. The two concepts that mortals never made the move of ever understanding, everyone' always thought that as long as they had what they always desired then all was right in the world.

Yet, they wonder why they are always allowed to have one thing at a time in a given period of time,  Besides if a man was given all that he desired at the moment that he desires it then the world would be so wrong that mortals or immortals alike would care so less about each other.

   "What are you thinking so hard about baby"
Came her mother's comforting voice.  The voice that had  kept her floating for so long that she would surely loose her mind if she didn't hear her for a day.

Looking at her mother's beautiful face always made her wonder why she was never created to look so desirable and wanted, Of course it was no news that Her mother was one of the most beautiful and strongest females in the realm and beyond, Queen Arabella was the embodiment of beauty and no one could ever dispute that fact.

Then talk about her aunt Natasha, the one who gave her life when she was sure to lose it, the one who had become the mother oracle over the years and also the strongest female dragon in the realm, these were women who stood so proud in the midst of men yet they could never be disrespected or talked down upon.

Now talk about herself and one would see the gap between her and the rest of the women in her family, she was weak and her only redeeming quality was the fact that she was the strongest oracle in all the lands apart from her aunt of course and probably her ability to paint something no matter how complicated it seemed.

Very few people knew it but Xenia had developed a photographic memory five years prior, it had happened the day her mates who also happened to be her brothers abandoned her on the road because she insisted they took her to view the ocean in the other side of the pack, it wasn't such a big request but they had been so annoyed that they kicked her out of their car in the middle of nowhere.

They knew very well that she didn't know her way around yet they did it anyway,  of course Her Lycan had been upset but she had still helped her by shifting and running through the forest using the scent of their warriors who had probably walked the grounds.

While she was running, so many thoughts had been going through her mind and before she knew it she stepped on a trap and was unfortunately hit by a falling tree trunk that swung her so far that she had passed out by the Time she landed on her back.

Weeks later she had woken up only to realize that she could now remember things so tiny and far back that it was more of a curse than a blessing.

The only ones she had told were her fathers and mother, then her aunt found out through her own means, Xenia never dared to ask how.

Years later she would draw and sell to the kingdom artist anonymously, it was a comfortable arrangement, the artist didn't need to know the Painter as long as the glory was given to him, and she in turn didn't need to talk to him as long as her money was paid in full, she was a weak woman but she might as well be a rich weak woman.

   "I'm thinking about the insatiable nature of humans and shifters alike"
She finally replied her mother who stood calmly beside her, she didn't need to know the story behind her perfect memory.

  "One moment they think they want this and another moment they realize that they want that"
She smiled before stretching her arms and pulling her mother to sit beside her cause they were going to be having a very sensitive conversation.

   "I need you to listen to everything I'm about to say to you mother and do not try to do anything less than what I tell you no matter how unreasonable it may sound, promise me."

Very few times did Xenia ever make requests and least of all requests that sounded as grave as that one but she really hoped that her mother would keep all sentiments aside just this once and do what she's been asked to do.

  "You have my word Princess"
Came her mother's reply.

   "Thank you mom"
Was all Xenia said before standing up and Walking to the window that overlooked the pack house.

   "In two hours my mates will be here for the annual bouquet but I'm sure you already know that"
Of course everyone knew that but she was stalling, she was afraid and most of all her heart was breaking away with every passing moment, she was in sorrow and couldn't bring herself to say anything to her mother but she had to for her own sake.

    "Seven hours from then they will be completing the mating process with Melissa and -"

  "What do you mean they will be completing what?, actually Do not bother with the next words because I will never let it happen"
Came her mother's firm reply which actually earned a humorless laugh from Xenia.

Did she not hear a word that Xenia had spoken or did she think it a joke?

   "Very few times have I requested anything from you mother and if it wasn't meant to happen then you ought to know that we wouldn't be having this conversation at all-,
You will know when the time is right because you will feel the strain in the bond, when that time comes mother I'm unsure of my ability to stay conscious, that is where you come in"

  "I have made the arrangements for everything, all you have to do is send me to aunt Natasha, only in her presence will my life force return to me."

she was about to walk away when she looked back at her mother who had tears in her eyes, looking hopeless again,  A look Xenia had become familiar with ever since her brothers made it clear that they would never accept her as their mate.

So much time had passed but it was still as though it all happened yesterday.  Life was prone to happen and Xenia always hoped that they would learn to let it happen.

    "Do not for any reason stop the process no matter what happens mother"
With that she walked away leaving her mother to digest all she had said.


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