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Narrator :

The next day their Aunt Natasha had gone to the Sanctuary only to find her nephews surrounding their mate, everyone clutching her arm like their life depended on it.

She had wondered why human beings always had to wait for things to get out of hands before they finally get back to their senses,  surely their presence would help the female heal a bit faster than normal but would she ever remain the same?.

Slowly she had mumbled some prayers in the temple but while she was at it she had noticed that something was definitely wrong, From the moment she began praying, She felt a wondering soul around her and in that instant she understood that it was worse than it seemed.

Her first instinct was to check on the child hence the reason she rushed back into the ward, right there she saw Xenia slowly begin to open her eyes that were already filled with unshed tears, now that Her aunt looked closer she could see how hollow and empty her eyes were, This was no longer the Xenia everyone knew, this was a woman who was too exhausted to live one more day in this world and it didn't matter what anyone else thought of it.

     "Your mother would have wanted to hear your voice for the last time my child"
Her aunt Natasha had bargained causing the female to smile a really sad smile.

Immediately The older woman had began mind linking everyone to gather in the living room because just this once her own mistake was about to cost her the life of the girl.

Before the birth of the children she had known they were mates, she'd been told to prepare the parents for the future, sadly she had played god and ignored all those warnings,  it wasn't in her place to keep quiet but yet she had and she was about to pay the price for her silence.

    "Whenever you make us gather in this manner, it's never good"
grandmother Isabella complained.

   "I know and I'm sorry"
The very exhausted aunt apologized before taking a sit at the far end, dreading the words she was about to utter.

   "I'm not sure how to start this but I guess I have to start somewhere.

I never got to completely tell you the real reason Xenia somehow managed to bind her life forcd to mine,   it wasn't exactly because she was the next oracle, yes that was also a reason but it wasn't The reason it happened.

At the time Arabella was pregnant with three alpha' males which made it close to impossible for Xenia to grow and feed from her mother the way the boys could, she was dying but somehow found a way to attach her life force to mine which in turn kept her alive  long enough to be born.

After birth, she was still too weak to actually live a normal life like the rest of the realm hence the reason I tried to be present as much as I could.

    "What are you saying?"
Queen Arabella asked.

   "I'm saying that just like Mate's keep each other alive, I was Xenia's life support for ten years,  at first she had began to get stronger, outgoing, playful and all that stuff,  and for that I'd been thankful. That was of course till Suddenly everything changed, the mate bond had began to form and by virtue her life force was no longer bound to mine at the height at which it was before then, in my eyes there hadn't been any changes so I never asked any questions as regards the matter.

Eventually something changed, she began to withdraw from everything, she stopped being outgoing and I could feel her weakness from probably miles away, at first I had attributed it to the absence of the Princes but that wasn't it.

The real reason was that she had gotten the gift, to her she had a photographic memory but that wasn't it,  Very few healers ever received the gift and for those who did, it was always a curse more than it was ever a blessing, it tended to kill you sooner than later and it tended to worsen the more it was used.

In Xenia's case she ventured into drawing, helping others dig deeper into their own memories, saw events so far back that time was still a concept, what I'm saying in essence is that Xenia used it more than she should have.

The weakness was supposed to go away when the Princes returned but it didn't, instead it seemed to worsen so I tried to intervene only to realize that they were rejecting her as their mate and by virtue they were breaking the bond that in turn began to feed on the little life force she was getting from them.

The mate bond was all Xenia needed to stay alive and since they were choosing to reject her by being with another, you would understand why there was no where her life force could feed from hence the reason for the constant weakness and close to death encounters.

Now, Xenia's only hope continued to be her mates who she  constantly begged never  to expressly reject her,  it's not that they couldn't but the moment they do, she would be surviving on a very little time span"

Everyone stared  Natasha with so much dread that she felt so much Guilt engulf her for what she was about to say next.
It was times like this that she hated been an oracle the most because then you have to be the bearer of bad news and she hated that the most.

"I'm sorry but I think she plans on rejecting them herself "

Just like that the kings lost their patience and growled so loud the earth shook and there was so much lightening in the sky that the people feared for their lives.

   "While I was praying I felt her soul begin to wonder the lands, the only reason an oracle's soul wonders is when they're searching for a replacement, I do not believe that it's her time yet to depart the earth because Fate would have appointed a replacement for themselves.

"Do not fret, Do not hold her back when she comes to you and most importantly Do not interfere in any way because things are about to fall into place, you just have to let it happen at its own pace"

Slowly the mother oracle departed cause even if she hadn't come bearing great news, the ending part had been worth the tears and sweat. Finally all was going to be well although there was one more challenge but it was nothing they couldn't handle.

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Diamond 💎

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