YG trainee

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Jimin's POV

Today is the day! I'm going to audition for YG entertainement. My dream was to become an idol, i love to dance and rap. This is what i want to do the rest of my life. My parents supports me all the time, they are always there for me so i wont let them down.

I arrived to the addition place. It's a special auddition becose Mr yang is here. Usually the CEO is rarely there at an auddition. So I have to work harder! The stage was pretty big, but i'm not nervous becose i've donne alot of shows. I practiced alot for this, I hope it pays of.

I'm number 351... This is gonna take a while! I sat at my seat and waited for them to call me. Everyone is nervous and practicing while i'm relaxing on my seat. I putted on my headphones and started rapping to the beat. I freestyled to get rid of the stress. I'm not really scared, i'm just nervous to meat the CEO. After finishig my rap, I opened my eyes and people around me were staring.

" Ahh, sorry for the noise " I said, while bowing 90°.
A few seconds after the guy next to me spoke up.
" Wow you are really good! "
" Ah thank you :)) " i replied
After waiting a while, I heard my name and stood up to walk to the stage. Aishh, i'm starting to get nervous...

I walked up on stage with 9 others around my age. I'm last to perform.
After watching the others, i think I have a chance, they were ok I guess.
After the guy next to me finished, i walked to the x mark.
" Annyeong jimin-shi, what will you be doing today? " A judge asked me
" I will be dancing to I should've kiss you by chachi gonzales " i responded and the music started. I dance to the beat and I didnt care about them watching me, I enjoyed dancing and I had fun. After the music ended, I heard clapping comming from Mr Yang. I bowed 90° and me and the other contestans walked down from the stage.

I was about to leave until a guy stopped me. It was the same guy who complimented my rapping.
" You did great! Good job ^^ " he said
" ah gomawo :) you dit pretty good yourself! " I replied
" Ahhah thx, i'm junhoe, koo junhoe "
" Ah, nice to meet you! I'm Jimin, Hwang Jimin :) " I replied

After saying goodbye, I head home and waited for the Email to comme.
I'm actually a dance teacher, even tho i'm 17 years old. I've been a dance teacher since this year becose i just graduated. After 2 weeks, I finaly got the Email saying that...

" Congratulation Jimin Hwang, you are now a YG trainee!"

I freaked out and jumped everywhere!! I'm finaly a trainee, I can finally make my parents proud!
My familly is actually rich. My dad is the CEO of CTC. My parents didnt really aprove of me becoming a trainee becose they dont want me to suffer all of the training. But I somme how managed to convince them. I can finally make them proud! I have to tell them.

I ran to there room with my phone in my hand and knoked on the door.

" Comme in "
I went in and showed my parents the email.
" OMG MY BABY GIRL !!! " my mom screamed
" Congratz princesse " said my dad
"We will always be here for you if you cant take all of that training, you can always comme back home, ok ? "
I was happy, my parents were proud and happy. I'll make sure to succeed!!

* 1 week later *

Here we go, first day!

I walked in with 4 other trainees, 3 boys and 1 girl + me. We bowed to every workers around. Then a lady came to us.
" Welcome to YG kids, i'm Amy, your manager, today you are going to visit the YG building and you'll see you're dorms. We will start in a bit"
She walked away for a while talking to a man.
While she is away whe introdused ourself.
" Hi, the name is Jason, i'm from LA"
" I'm Park Minho, i'm a singer "
" Annyeong!! I'm Hyemi ^^ "
" I'm Koo Junhoe, singer " He said smiling to me.
I smiled back and introduced myself.
" Hey, I'm Jimin, i'm a dancer and rapper "
We started to socialise an got to know each other. I'm kinda shy so i spoke the less. On the other hand, Hyemi and Jason are really talkative and hyper. ahah.

After a while, Amy came back and gave us a tour of the building. The practice rooms are huge! I'm so exited to practice! The studios are full of equipments, Ahhh! I'm so exited to rap and dance !

Then amy showed us our dorms, it wasnt big but it was enough! I share my room with hyemi, good thing becose we are close now ^^

We are going to move in in 2 days, Amy gave us our plan.


7AM- 10 AM -> Dance
10AM- 11:30-> Class
11:30-12:30-> Lunch
12:30-3PM-> Rap
3PM- 5PM-> fashion class (2 days a week)


When i got home, I packed my clothed into some suite cases and my belongings into some boxes.

I'm leaving in 2 days...
I'm curious of how its gonna be.

* TBC *

Note: How is it so far? ^^ How you guys like it!

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