"Hwyungie.. Hwyungie.."
Taehyung turned around at the sound of little pitter-patter footsteps, to see little Jungkook running towards him. The younger's face looked sad and his eyes filled with tears.
"Slow down, Koo. Or you will fall." Taehyung reprimanded as the younger crashed into him. "Why are you crying?"
Little Jungkook sobbed lightly before it turned in to a full wail. "Mwommy shaid hwyungie weave kwoo."
"Huh?" Taehyung was confused. He didn't knew he was going anywhere and definitely wouldn't leave Jungkook too. "I'm not going anywhere."
That was enough for the small two year old to stop his crying and look at the elder. "Hwyungie nuu goo shcool?"
Taehyung chuckled lightly before ruffling Jungkook's fluffy hair. "Hyungie has to go to school but will be back soon."
Jungkook wiped his tears as he considered that. "Shoon? How shoon?"
"Hmm...." Taehyung had to think for few seconds to come up with something. "Oh- I know! Hyungie will be back before Koo have his lunch. How about that?"
Taehyung had been rather reluctant to go to to kindergarten because he didn't want to get separated from his Koo. But after getting to know that it's only a half a day, Taehyung made his mind up to go. The only thing that came even remotely close to his Koo, was the promise he gave to uncle Junghyun. Even in his small mind, Taehyung knew that he had to study well and train hard, so that he can be a good leader for the pack.
Jungkook had stopped crying, now that he realised his hyung is not going anywhere. "Pwomishe?"
"I promise, Koo."
Taehyung sat on the floor and pulled Jungkook on to his lap as that was their normal way of sitting. Jungkook being an Omega, had always been very clingy. His favourite place to sit was on Taehyung's lap, with head resting over the elder's chest and listening to his heartbeat.
Taehyung gently ran a hand over Jungkook's back, soothing the younger. They stayed like that for few minutes before Jungkook spoke up in his baby voice.
"Kwoo wanna gwo shcool thu."
Taehyung gave a soft laugh at that. "You will, when you're as big as hyung."
That seemed to have gotten rid of all the trouble and problems the small one had with the subject. He nuzzled his face in to the crook of Taehyung's neck, while the latter tightened his hold as a response. "Owkey."
After the first day of school was done, Taehyung was anxious to get back home. He didn't wait to talk with the new friends he made, he didn't wait when his mother wanted to have a small chat with the teacher. He just ran to the car and sat inside, giving impatient glances to his mother to hurry up.On the way home also, Taehyung was silent. Yoona asked few questions about kindergarten and friends, for which Taehyung gave short answers. Yoona knew her son was just missing his best friend so she went straight to pack house, instead of their own.
When the vehicle was stopped near the pack house, Taehyung quickly got out of the car and ran inside.
Taehyung's voice rang through the house and the sound of running footsteps could be heard in the next second. In no time, little Jungkook came in to the view, running with his chubby, wobbly legs.
They met in midway, with tightly embracing each other. Jungkook was wailing and Taehyung had tears in his eyes too.

Till Death Do Us Part - A Taekook Love Story.
FanfictionA Mate, is the most important person for a werewolf. They offers you neverending love and support... They will help you walk through every hail storm in life.. survive every drought... and harsh winters... so that you can bloom in to a beautiful fl...