13 - Perfect Gift.

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"I already have my heart set on someone else."

Jungkook must have mulled over that single sentence for atleast thousand times in the past few days. He thought about every possible interpretation of that line and every scenario that could arise from it. He just couldn't help but spontaneously blush at the thought of Taehyung liking him.

Jungkook squealed and rolled on the bed, in the typical manner of a teenager in a crush. He was holding on to a corner of his comforter so the end result was him looking like a burrito, with only his head poking out.

Suddenly the door opened and Sonmi came in. "Kookie aren't you getting ready-"

Sonmi looked at her son with surprised eyes. This was actually the 3rd time that she witnessed this flustered state of her son, and she just didn't knew what to think of it.

"Hey, mom." Jungkook's mortified voice made Sonmi frown in concern.

She walked to the bed and sat on it. "Baby, are you okay? You seem... different lately. "

"Ohh.. I'm fine, mom." Jungkook felt like digging up a hole and just getting buried there.

Sonmi just hummed as a response. How can you get your teenage son to tell you what's making him a blushing mess? Sonmi couldn't think of anything other than to wait for Jungkook to come to her.

"You know you can tell me anything, right Kookie?"

"I know, mom." This time Jungkook raised his head a bit to give a soft smile to his mother. "I'm fine, don't worry about it."

"Okay then. I came to see why you're not getting ready yet. It's almost time for the party."

Jungkook looked at the clock on his table and noticed that his mother was right. He hadn't noticed the time passing with all the thoughts in his head. He quickly wiggled out of the comforter burrito while Sonmi left the room laughing.

Jungkook wanted to look good today, like really good. His father had invited family friends, relations, almost all of the pack and even his school friend. But Jungkook didn't want to look good because of any of them. His efforts are solely due to one person.

Jungkook knows it's rather stupid when Taehyung had seen him in every attire possible but still, he wanted to look drop-dead gorgeous for his hyungie today. Maybe that will convince Taehyung that Jungkook is not a kid anymore.
The party was in full swing now. Taehyung was still not here as he had been late to go back to change after overseeing all the preparations. Jungkook's eyes darted towards the door every five seconds, waiting to see his favourite person in the world.


A voice startled Jungkook and he looked at the direction it came from. "Jackson hyung!"

"Hey, birthday boy." Jackson said affectionately as he gave the gift to Jungkook. "Hope I'm not late."

"Nuh, you're right on time. Where's uncle and auntie?"

"Sorry Kookie, mom is not feeling that well these days and dad didn't want to leave her. They sent their best regards."

"Oh... what happened to auntie?" Jungkook's voice was laced with worry.

"It's nothing serious, don't worry about it okay.. this is your day."

Jungkook was about to say something sassy when another voice distracted him.

"Worry about what?"

Jungkook slowly turned to look at Taehyung, who was already looking at Jungkook with an unreadable emotion in his eyes. Taehyung eyes drifted slowly over Jungkook's attire and the latter blushed a bit at this not so subtle checking out the elder was doing.

Taehyung's eyes found Jungkook's bambi eyes again and both were staring at each other for about a minute before Jackson cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Sooo... I'm done 3rd wheeling for the day and I'm gonna find Uncle Junghyun. You two... Well, get back to whatever the hell you were doing."

With that, Jackson walked away, leaving Taehyung smirking and Jungkook blushing. The younger couldn't even raise his head due to being mortified. Jungkook could see Taehyung taking a step closer and it made his heart beat to fasten as usual.

"You look beautiful." Taehyung's voice sounded even deeper than normal.

"T-thank you, hyungie." Jungkook answered in a soft voice, saying the other part only in his head. 'I did it for you.'

"White looks good on you."

Jungkook blushed even more and mentally made a note to throw away all his cloths and fill his wardrobe with only white ones.

"I got you a present." Taehyung said again, as he looked endearingly at the boy infront of him. "Don't you wanna look at it?"

Jungkook took a deep breath to calm his heart and slowly raised his head. Taehyung tilted his head to the side a bit and gave a soft smile, which the younger returned.

"Where is it?"

Taehyung put his hand inside his pocket and pulled out a black velvet box. He extended it towards Jungkook and the younger took it with a slightly shaky hand.

For a moment, Jungkook had this thought that the gifts were rings, making him panic a bit. But then he realised that it's absurd, they were no where near that stage yet. He mentally smacked his own head for his stupidity, before opening the box.

Inside the box laid the most unique necklace Jungkook had ever seen. The design was simple with two thin bands  of gold and rose gold, intertwined together. It had a heart shape locket, which was rather bigger than normal. Jungkook was staring at the pendent when Taehyung took it out of the box.

"This pendent is special." Taehyung started to explain as he twisted a little pink jewel at the bottom of it, making the locket open up in to a two heart shaped halves. "You can put photos to both sides of it."

"Woah.." Jungkook gently ran his his finger over the rim of the locket.

"Do you like it?" Taehyung's voice sounded a tiny bit uncertain so Jungkook rushed to assure him.

"I love it, hyungie. Thank you."

Taehyung beamed from ear to ear as he closed the two halves again, before looking at Jungkook with twinkling eyes. "Can I put it on you now?"

Jungkook wordlessly nodded his head. He would like nothing better than that. Taehyung unfastened the clasps and took another step closer to the younger. He put his hands around Jungkook's shoulder, leaning forward to see little better before fastening it behind Jungkook's nape.

Jungkook felt the blood rush in to his face due to the closeness of the elder. He could feel Taehyung's breath hitting the side of his neck too. Jungkook's hands, as if they have a mind of their own, moved up a bit to grab the sides of Taehyung's shirt.

The touch was light as a butterfly's wings but Taehyung felt it like a wild fire, starting from Jungkook's delicate finger tips and reaching straight in to Taehyung's heart, making it burn like the sun.

"Smooth, Tae. Nicely done."

V's teasing voice brought Taehyung back from his daze. He pulled his hands and took a step back, giving both of them some much needed breathing space. He noticed the way Jungkook’s hands dropped to his sides and as much as he wanted them to remain on his shirt, Taehyung knew it was not the time yet.

"Uhh... l-looks good on you." Taehyung said as he pointed to the necklace around Jungkook's neck now. "Excuse me for a second, I need to check on the catering."

Jungkook watched with heart eyes as Taehyung quickly walked away from him. Once Taehyung was out of sight, Jungkook raised his hand to touch the pendant.

Oh he knew exactly who's photo he will put in it.

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