37 - Does He Have A Significant Other?

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Breakfast at the pack house next day was utterly quite. The only sound the three Jeons and Taemin made was the faint sound of utensils hitting their plates. The tension and the curiosity were running so high in the air, that none of them found the food to be very appetising.

Jungkook inquired about Taehyung, to which Taemin replied saying that he left last night itself. Jungkook actually expected this. He knew it wouldn't be easy to change Taehyung's mind.

After the breakfast was over, Junghyun shared a quick glance with Sonmi, before addressing to Jungkook. "Son, I need to speak with you."

Jungkook put the phone down, which he was pretending to be interested in, and looked at his father. "Yes?"

"What happened yesterday?"

Sonmi looked a bit scared. She was honestly so worried that Jungkook will slip back to his previous ways of ignoring them. She didn't want to lose the little part of her baby that returned to her.

Jungkook didn't answer to that and it looked as if he was deep in thoughts. And when he finally looked up at his father, he had an apologetic smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, dad. It was a mistake. Won't happen again."

Junghyun was so surprised at that he didn't knew what to say. "I- well, that's okay then, I suppose."


Jungkook gave another smile, which had a faint trace of the innocence he used to have. Sonmi quickly turned around and wiped the tears that had fallen from her eyes.



For the first time after a long time, Jungkook wanted to confide in his father. To tell his father what he wanted to do, and to take advise from him. For a moment, Jungkook felt like his younger self, who used to think that his father can fix anything.

But in the end, Jungkook didn't. He had passed the age where he needed his parents to fix his problems. It's time for him to take charge of his life, and fight for what he wanted.

"Nothing." Jungkook said with a shake of his head. "It's good to have meals with you all."

Junghyun gave a soft smile at that. Yes, he thinks it's a very good thing too.


Jimin was working when the sound of his phone ringing disturbed him. He looked at the screen and saw it was Taehyung's number. The latter didn't return home yesterday and Jimin had been kind of worried. He quickly picked up the phone.

"Where the hell did you go yesterday?! I got so worried-"

"Are you busy now?"

"I- what?"

"If you're not busy, come have lunch with me. I brought Seed Pancakes for you."

Jimin was angry with Taehyung. He still is but that's not gonna matter much when he heard the name of his favourite food from Taehyung's hometown.

"Seed Pancakes? How many?"

"Two packs. Just for you."

Jimin sighed loudly as he locked the computer and got up from his seat. "I'm coming."

Taehyung only had to wait for about 2 minutes. Jimin was half walking half running as he came to where Taehyung was waiting for him.

"You went home yesterday?" Jimin asked in in tight voice as he snatched the pancake box from Taehyung. "You should have told me, I got worried."

"I'm sorry. Things were little hectic and I forgot."

Both sat down at one of the lunch tables.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Jimin's voice was half muffled by the pancakes. "I guess you stayed the night at home."

"Nope. I got tired when coming back so slept at a motel halfway on the road."

Jimin blinked few time and looked at the box of pancakes. "Where did you get these then?"

"There was this cute cafe near the motel. I went there to have breakfasts and saw these. So I brought them as a peace offerings."

"Tae, you didn't had to do that. Of course you're not obliged to tell me where you are going all the time. I was just worried since.. you know.. you left with that guy."

Taehyung was the one who sighed this time. He knows where his friend is coming from but at the same time, he just couldn't hear anyone say anything bad about Jungkook. He never could.


"What the fuck is that guys deal?!"

"Well, he had his reasons."

"No kidding. Everyone has some reason. Doesn't mean you vandalise a police station! And I'm the one who has to pay for the window!"


"Yeah, I had to offer to fix the window to get him out of the lock-up."

"Don't worry, I'll pay for it."

"You fucking better!"

Taehyung couldn't help but scoff at Jimin's worked up face. "You should have just told me he was here."

That brought a new wave of anger in to Jimin's face, something genuine this time. "After what he did to you?! No way!"

"Jimin, he's not-"

"He is! But yeah, whatever.." Jimin took a bite of his food aggressively, making Taehyung just shook his head.

Sometimes, there's no such thing as peace offerings with Jimin.


Jimin was at his seat later that day when Jisoo came to speak with him. "Hey Park!"

"Hey." Jimin answered without looking up from his laptop.

"So, about your friend Taehyung-" that got Jimin's full attention and he immediately looked up at the girl. "Does he have a significant other?"

Jimin leaned back on his chair and gave the girl a teasing smile. "Nope. Why?"

"See, one of my good friends came for lunch today. And we saw you and Taehyung having lunch there."


"Well, let's just say that my friend was very interested in your friend."


"Yeah. So if Taehyung doesn't have anyone like that, my friend said he would like to take him out for a date."

Jimin knew he shouldn't meddle with Taehyung's affairs like that but he was so pissed-off at what happened with Jungkook.

"You know what-" Jimin said as he gave a bright smile to Jisoo. "Give me his number. I'll pass it to Taehyung."

"Great." Jisoo gave a happy smile and wrote down a name and a number. "I know him for years now. He's a good guy."

Jimin gave a nod to the girl and looked up at the piece of paper.

Park Bogum - xxxxxxxxxxxx


Jungkook watched as Taehyung's friend, Jimin, talked animatedly with a gorgeous looking man. They talked for about 10 minutes where the man gave a small bag to Jimin. Jungkook wanted to go closer to have a better look and when he got closer, he could identify the man as an Omega.

Jungkook tried to follow Jimin few times, to find whare Taehyun lives but he couldn't. Since Jimin is a police officer, he is rather good at noticing when someone is following him. So following him to see where he goes didn't seem like a good idea to Jungkook.

But this new Omega, not only he didn't look like a spy undercover, Jungkook actually got a rather soft vibe form him. Even if he got caught, Jungkook was sure that this kind looking Omega will not scold him that much. So he secided to follow him, and see where it lead him.

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