17 - Good Bye.

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Jungkook didn't knew how long he stayed kneeling on the grass like that. It might have been hours, or it might have only been few minutes. He had no idea. His heart was paining, like someone was drilling a hole in to it. But strangely, his head was empty from any thoughts.

Suddenly the sound of a phone ringing echoed through the ground. Jungkook picked up the phone and answered without even looking at who it was.


"Kookie? Baby where are you?" Junghyun's troubled voice sounded like it's coming from a far away place to Jungkook.

"Training grounds." Jungkook answered again in a detached voice.

"Training grounds- what are you doing there? Is Taehyung with you?"

'Taehyung'. That name was able to crack the bubble barrier that was around Jungkook's head, making him slowly realise what had happened. Yes, Taehyung mattered, even if nothing else did.

Jungkook must have taken to long to answer, cause Junghyun's worried voice was heard in the next second. "Kookie? You there?"


"Yes, baby. I'm here."

"D-dad." Jungkook couldn't stop the sob that escaped his mouth. "H-hyungie left m-me!"

"What?!" A muffled sound of people moving could be heard from the phone. "Just stay there, baby. I'm coming."

"Please hurry." Jungkook whispered before he cut the line.

He didn't had the strength to even get up from the ground so he just sat on his heels, and waited for his father to come.

It only to took few minutes for Junghyun to reach the training grounds and both Taemin and Sonmi were with him too. Sonmi immediately kneeled next to Jungkook and pulled him in to a tight hug.

Junghyun crouched down and ran his hand gently over Jungkook's head.

"Kookie? Baby, what happened?"

"H-hyungie said he f-found his m-mate and- a-and that he w-wanted to live with him b-but the mate- the mate was not comfortable here so- so- d-dad- h-he left." Jungkook's every other word was paused by hiccups.

"Taehyung.. left?"

"Y-yeah. He shifted and l-left." Jungkook looked at his father with wide, tear filled eyes. "Dad.. Please make him come back."

Junghyun raised a hand and wiped the tears from Jungkook's face but a fresh set already made its way down. He got up from the ground and took few steps back before shifting in to an enormous dark gray wolf.

All the wolves in the pack can communicate through their mind link when they are in their wolf form. Junghyun calmed his mind and tried to sense the Taehyung's wolf, V. It was a little difficult, since V had already put quiet a distance between them, but Junghyun managed to pin him.

"V!" Junghyun's alpha called in an authorative tone and he would sense the younger wolf coming to an screeching halt.

"Alpha!" V replied in a politely.

"What's going on?" Junghyun took over the conversation. "Tae?"

"I know who my mate is, Uncle. It's Koo."


"Yes, I recognised him tonight. I'm his mate."

"Oh my God! Where are you now? Kookie said you left him."

"I had to, I didn't want to take a risk with his life."

"Tae, come back. We can work something out. We both know you won't hurt him."

"I won't, consciously. But you know there are many ways to make someone do things against their will."


"It's safer this way, Uncle. I won't ever come in to his life. He will be safe."

"This can't be happening! There has got to be another way. Let's just talk about this first, Tae. Come back."

"Uncle, we were always worried about what will happen if Koo's mate showed up right? Now you know for sure that he won't. I won't interfere with his life at all. You can find him a good partner that will make him happy."

Junghyun didn't knew what to say to that. He was thinking ways to convince Taehyung to come back when the latter spoke up again.

"And maybe they can be the next pack leader."

"No tae, that's already yours. I can't take that away."

"It's okay Uncle. Just find someone good, and give them my life. Tell my parents that I love them. And I'm sorry for leaving like this. Good bye."

"Good bye, Alpha."

The link was severed from Taehyung's end and Junghyun didn't had the heart to force it open again. It was already getting difficult to maintain the link due to the distance so it would have been too late anyway.

Junghyun could feel the grief and heartache through the mind link clearly. He loved his son, but Taehyung was someone very dear to his heart too. This was an unbelievable situation with no clear solution.

Jungkook had waited all this time, with wide hopeful eyes. But as soon as the gray wolf turned to him, Jungkook could see he pain in those eyes.

And in that moment, Jungkook lost the last bit of hope he had.


"Thank you for letting me see him one last time."

"I wanted to see him too, V. I had to say good bye. Did you manage to get a sense of Koo's wolf?"

"No, the Omega is not strong enough to surface yet. Guess I'll never be able to know my mate."

"I'm sorry, V."

"It's okay, Tae. Jungkook is your partner but I love him too. I can't do or support anything that would have even a remote chance of harming him."

"Thank you. It can't be easy turning your back on the mate bond."

"But isn't it harder for you? I'm mourning for someone I haven't even met yet. You just lost the biggest part of your life."

They ran silently for a while, comfortable and grateful of each other's company. The sky seemed to have a reddish glow today, which Taehyung felt as appropriate. A good representation of his own bleeding heart.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know. Away from here and any packs. We can't get pulled back."

"Yeah, I don't want to get roped to any pack leader."

"Then there's only one place."

Tae felt V humming with agreement as they fastened their pace even more. There was only one place in Korea where they could blend in, without getting attached to any pack. One place that will welcome anyone, letting them live peacefully without having to disclose their true selves.

One place that would not care whether they were a wolf, witch or human. The only rule there, was to live, and let live.


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