68 - The Prophecy.

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Sonmi couldn't believe what she was hearing. "W-what do you mean, baby?"

"Dad just locked me up here. I don't even know why mom." Jungkook weakly tried to wipe his tears. "He's saying some crazy shit to everyone."

Sonmi instinctively took few steps closer when Jungkook stared to sob. She cautiously sat next to Jungkook and held him while the latter cried in to her shoulder.

"H-he's saying that my wolf has l-lost control an-and that he's a threat to others." Jungkook babbled through his hiccups. "But I'm not even trying to shift. Please help me mom."

"Shh... don't cry, my baby." Sonmi is crying a bit too. "I'll talk with dad and see what this is."

Jungkook quickly untangle himself from Sonmi. "No, you can't! He will lie to you too. Mom, please just get me out of here."

Sonmi looked in pain with conflict. She didn't want to go against her husband. With all those years of being married, she knew very well that Junghyun never do anything without a reason.

Jungkook saw the conflict in her eyes so he used another method.

"It's okay mom. I know you will make him understand. But can you atleast remove these cuffs, please? They hurt."

Sonmi couldn't deny that request so she picked up the key from the hanger near the door and uncuffered Jungkook's ankles from the chain.

"I'll be right back, baby." Sonmi gave a soft kiss to Jungkook's forehead, before heading towards the door.

She heard the sound of footsteps, but didn't had a chance to turn around before something hit her head and she feel unconscious.
Junghyun sat in his office but he wasn't doing anything. So many thoughts are going through his mind. If his death could help his son, he would have done it in a heartbeat. He knows Sonmi would understand. To a parent, nothing is more important than their child.

But with what elder Seulgi said, Junghyun is scared to die even. It's one thing to prevent Jungkook from hurting him, Junghyun is capable of that since he's an alpha.

Stopping Jungkook from hurting himself would be a different story altogether. His mind is under a spell so there isn't any way to make him see reason. And they couldn't watch him every second of the day.

He looked up at the sound of the knock on the door to see Taehyung walking in.

"Tae." Junghyun said with a small smile. "Come on in."

Taehyung sat down on the opposite chair. "How are you uncle?"

"I-" Junghyun tired to speak but the words got stuck in his throat. "I don't know."

Taehyung nod his head in understanding. He didn't knew how he's doing either.

"I informed the council about Seong's and the witch's deeds to the high council."

Taehyung twirled the glass paper weight on Junghyun's table. He and V was seeing red with rage at the mere mention of those two. V wanted to rip their heads off, damn the consequences.

It is very hard to control the urge to just attack them. But Taehyung knows it's against the rules and will cause trouble to the pack.

"Yeah." Taehyung answered through gritted teeth. "That's for the best."


"And Park Bogum too."

"I told about him too. But with what you told me about him, I feel he's more of a pawn that those two used."

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