05 - Made With Koo's Love.

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"Kookie, where are you going?"

Jungkook stopped and turned around at the sound of his mother's voice. He had hoped to sneak out without getting caught by her but guess you can't slip post mom-radar that easily.

"Uhh... nowhere." Jungkook answered with a nervous chuckle. "Just going for a... a walk."

"Really?" Sonmi walked to her 10 year old son, who was blinking very fast and not meeting her eyes at all. "And what do you have in your hand?"

"N-nothing." Jungkook was sure that he had hidden the paper bag behind him but apparently, Sonmi had already seen it.

"Kookie." Sonmi's voice was reprimanding now and Jungkook sighed before answering with a pouting face.

"Brownies that we made earlier." Jungkook showed the bag to his mom.

"I see. And where are you taking them?"

"To Taetae hyungie."

Sonmi sighed and shook her head as she had guessed that much. This had happened so many times that it wasn't even surprising anymore.

"Kookie, I told you that you can't go see Tae when he's training. It's dangerous."

Jungkook just looked down in dismay. Yes he's been repeatedly told not to go to the pack training grounds but he never listened. He doesn't feel threatened at all, despite being an Omega, because his beloved hyung is there to protect him. But how can he explain that to his mom?

"I know you're upset, Kookie. But I can't let you do that." Sonmi said in a much softer voice as she ruffled Jungkook's hair. "Why don't you give them to Tae when he comes back after his training? I'll ask him to come see you."

"Okay." Jungkook replied with a face adorned in a pout before going up to his room. 

He sat on his bed for few minutes, just to let his mom know that he had settled in, before walking to the window. Jungkook's room is in the first floor and there a thick pipeline on the side, just within the reach from the  windowsill.

Normally Jungkook is not that much of a risk taker but desperate situations calls for desperate measures. Once it's cooled down, the brownies will not taste as good as they are now.
Taehyung was slightly red in the face, as he tried to focus on the presence in his head. Normally the kids with the potential of the shift or the ones that are genuinely interested, starts their training at the age of 14-15. But Taehyung seemed to be more connected with his inner wolf than others so the head Alpha of the pack, Junghyun, allowed him to get a head start.

The possibility of Taehyung managing to shift on his own if they waited till the normal age, worried both Junghyun and Taemin. Taehyung will not have the proper knowledge or the mindset to handle the situation then and there is nothing worse than an out of control Alpha wolf.

The pack training grounds are located at the borderline to the small forest. All these lands belongs to the pack from hundreds of year, although now it's all developed and modernised. Only the few parts remains untouched such as the pack ground and the forest. It was necessary to have a space for the wolves to run around freely from prying eyes, as it will create a commotion running in the city streets.

Taehyung was listening to Junghyun's instructions and focusing when the head alpha snapped his head to the side. "Not again!!"

Taehyung followed Junghyun's gaze to see a outline of a child, who's really terrible at being discrete. Taehyung instantly recognised him as Jungkook, and by the mumbling he heard, so did Junghyun.

The training Alphas sometimes can't help releasing their dominant hormones, and it can be quite dangerous for an Omega. Not to mention the fact that a presence of an Omega will mess with the training process, making it go in different directions than intended. That's why Jungkook is not allowed in the pack training ground but the boy manages to sneak in every once in a while.

Jungkook noticed his father and Taehyung looking at him and came out of his poor hiding spot. He just wanted to check whether Taehyung was done but now, there's no point in trying to be discrete. He slowly walked towards the duo, mentally preparing for a scolding from his father.

Just as Junghyun was about to call out to his son, Taehyung spoke up.

"Please don't scold him uncle." Taehyung said in a quiet, pleading voice while Junghyun huffed annoyedly. "We were anyway done, right?"

"Tae, you know he can't keep doing this. It's dangerous for him and you both."

"I know. It's just that.." Taehyung stopped and looked at Junghyun with his best puppy dog eyes. "He'll be sad if you scold him."

Jungkook reached them before Junghyun could answer and stood close to Taehyung a bit. Junghyun was giving a stern look, making him scoot even closer to Taehyung.

"I just wanted to see whether you guys were done." Jungkook said in timid voice as he extended the bag he had in his hand towards Taehyung. "Me and mom made brownies today."

Taehyung chuckled a bit and took the bag. He opened it and the sweet aroma started to spread through the air.

"Mmmm... these taste wonderful." Taehyung smiled at Jungkook before offering the bag to Junghyun. "Have some, uncle."

Junghyun wanted to be strong and maintain his scowling face but the smell was enough to crumble his resolve within seconds. He put his hand in and picked a piece, humming softly when it made his taste buds tingle a second later.

"Damn! These are good." Junghyun said with a sigh and tired to pick another one but Jungkook, grabbed Taehyung's shirt sleeve and pulled his hand, making the bag be out of Junghyun's reach.

"These are for Taetae hyungie." Jungkook said to his dad, who were just standing with a hurt look. "You can have them at home, Dad."

"Come here, you brat!!" Junghyun made a show of grabbing Jungkook's arm, making the latter take cover behind Taehyung.

Taehyung chuckled lightly as his hand unconsciously went around Jungkook's back, holding him gently but securely against his body.

Junghyun couldn't help but wonder at that protective gesture, which seemed to come to Taehyung as natural as breathing. This was a situation which posed no threat to Jungkook and Junghyun could only imagine how far Taehyung would react, if it was one.

The bond these two formed at Jungkook's birth, had grown even more strong and powerful with the passing years. It made Junghyun very relieved.

"All right, you two. Don't stay out long." Junghyun said in a caring voice, smiling at Jungkook when the latter peeked around from Taehyung's body to nod.

After Junghyun went away, Taehyung and Jungkook sat on the ground, leaning against a tree trunk. Taehyung ate the brownies, quietly humming at its taste, while Jungkook watched with heart eyes.

Taehyung noticed the younger's gaze and put a small piece near Jungkook lips, who opened his mouth in response.

"Auntie's brownies are the best." Taehyung commented in a carefree way but Jungkook's smile dropped a little at that.

"I helped too."

"Hmm.. I can tell. I can taste the special ingredient in this."

Jungkook looked at the other with confused eyes. "What special ingredient?"

"My Koo's love."

Both chuckled at that remark. They were too young to realise the true implications of that sentence but it felt right to both of them. They stayed there for sometime more, before heading back home.

Taehyung didn't ask Jungkook to stop coming to the training grounds as he knew that the younger will not listen. So instead of restricting Jungkook of what he wanted to do, Taehyung decided to train hard, so that he will not pose a threat to younger and prevent anyone else from doing it too.

He needs to train hard, so that he could keep the promise he made on the day of Jungkook's prophecy. He needs to be strong enough to save Jungkook from his mate, no matter who that is..

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