"So-" Taemin asked as Taehyung kept a cup of tea on the table and sat on the sofa next to him. "When will you be leaving?"
Taehyung felt his heart ache at the word Taemin used. When. Not if. His father already knew and accepted that Taehyung will leave again.
"I thought to stay for few days." Taehyung answered in a soft voice and Taemin hummed thoughtfully.
As much Taehyung wanted to leave as soon as the funeral was over, he just couldn't do that to his father. Losing a mate is a hard thing to get over alone, Taehyung wanted to be there for his father. At least for few days.
And then there's this whole situation about Jungkook. Taehyung couldn't leave without knowing the extent of his drastic change.
"Is it because of me?"
Taehyung pulled his mind out of his heavy thoughts to see his father looking at him with soft eyes. "Partially, yeah. And Jungkook."
"How are you holding up, dad?"
Taemin sighed loudly and Taehyung could feel the waves of sadness emitting from the elder.
"I'm... okay, I guess. As much as I can hope to be at least." Taemin gave a soft smile to his son. "You don't have to worry about me, Tae."
They both sat in silence for few seconds before Taemin spoke up again. "Junghyun asked me to move in to the pack house."
"Yeah. They're worried that I'll starve to death if left alone."
That brought a light chuckle out of both of them. Yes, Taemin had zero talent in cooking. Taehyung could relate perfectly, as he had inherited the exact same trait from his father.
"That's a big possibility." Taehyung said teasingly, when the laughter finally died down.
"As if you're better!" Taemin immediately retaliated, making Taehyung laugh again. "It's a wonder you managed all these time, by yourself."
"My housemate does the cooking, occasionally, but we mostly order out." Taehyung explained with a fond smile. "And my boss brings me lunch from home."
"They sound like very good people."
"They are, Dad." Taehyung assured with a smile. "They truly are."
"I'm glad."
Again there was a silence for few minutes, as both of them drank their tea in silence. Both had concerns but they didn't want to break the comfortable silence yet.
"I'm sorry."
Taemin looked at his son with a slightly confused gaze. "For what, Tae?"
"For leaving." Taehyung gulped the limp in his throat and looked down in dismay. "A-and for having to do it again."
Taemin gave an understanding nod to his son. "It's okay. We all know why you did that. And as much as I wanted to bring you back all this time.. I understand your reasons for it. And I respected that. Your mother did too."
Taehyung looked up at his father and saw that Taemin's eyes had no anger or disappointment in them. There was only love.
"And don't worry about me too. Your mother's illness is not a sudden one. We had lot of time to talk about things and prepare for this. Yes, I will miss her dearly, I can't even remember a time before she came in to my life. She took the bigger part of my soul with her when she left."
Taemin put his hand over Taehyung's shoulder and gently held his son. He knew that Taehyung needed him even more than he needed Taehyung.
"But I'll be okay, son. Time doesn't stop for anyone. I'll continue to live my life, in the best way according to my abilities. It'll be hard, but I have to try. She made me promise that."
Taehyung had to take a deep breath to steady his voice. "She did?"
"Yep." Taemin gave a little chuckle as he answered. "And told me that she will whoop my ass when we meet again, if I dare to not keep that promise."
Taehyung gave a chuckle too. "She definitely will."
"How about you? Are you doing okay?"
The words 'I'm good' was at the tip of Taehyung's tongue, but he held on to them. This is his father, he can afford to be honest with him.
"Not really." Taehyung looked down when Taemin pat his shoulders affectionately. "But as long as he's safe, I'll be fine too."
Taehyung was walking towards the pack house when the front door opened and Jungkook came out. He was in his biker attire, with that full face helmet tucked under his arm. Taehyung still has trouble seeing the rough gear on Jungkook.Taehyung stopped in the middle of the path and for a second, he thought Jungkook would just walk by. But the younger also stopped with about 3 feet distance, and removed the piece of cloth covering his mouth and nose.
Jungkook's eyes initially seemed to be screaming with some uncomprehensible emotion, but then his face changed in a a playful smirk.
"Is it good bye time already?"
The voice was mocking but all Taehyung could focus on was V's panicked ranting about the lack of the mate scent. It took few seconds for Taehyung to realise that Jungkook was waiting for an answer.
"Uhh..." Taehyung had to clear his throat cause the sound was not coming out properly. "No. No, I just came to meet Uncle and Auntie."
"Oh." Jungkook flicked his head towards the house. "They're in."
Taehyung watched with confused and slightly shocked eyes as Jungkook gave a nod and started to walk away. It was as if Taehyung's presence didn't ruffle the younger at all, where Taehyung was pretty much shaken to his core.
Taehyung turned around as Jungkook passed him and watched the latter walk with a confident stride towards his bike. But to his surprise, the younger stopped half way and turned back.
"If it's not too intruding, can I ask something?" Jungkook's voice carried a little emotion this time, but Taehyung could not pinpoint exactly what.
"How's your mate? Is he living the dream life?"
At first, Taehyung didn't get what Jungkook was asking. Was Jungkook talking about himself? Did he wanted Taehyung to comment about his new life style or something? That didn't make much sense.
But after few seconds, Taehyung remembered the excuse he gave Jungkook when he left. Of course the younger was asking about Taehyung's imaginary mate, for whom he left Jungkook.
"Y-yeah. He's okay"
V was scolding him for stuttering and Taehyung couldn't help but agree. He knew he didn't sound very convincing. Jungkook's piercing gaze didn't help the situation too.
"Hmm... interesting." Jungkook titled his head to the side a bit and gave a smirk to Taehyung. "Trouble in paradise?"
Taehyung didn't answer. He was honestly baffled by Jungkook's smug and unperturbed manner. He had never seen this side of Jungkook. Hell he didn't even knew such a side existed.
They both kept staring at each other for few seconds, until Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and turned around. With a one final saying, he walked off, leaving Taehyung too shocked to even move.
"That's my life he's living, which he snatched from me. He should atleast be happy."

Till Death Do Us Part - A Taekook Love Story.
FanfictionA Mate, is the most important person for a werewolf. They offers you neverending love and support... They will help you walk through every hail storm in life.. survive every drought... and harsh winters... so that you can bloom in to a beautiful fl...