32 - Why Should We?

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"Jungkook, where the hell were you all this time!?" Sonmi asked as she watched her son finally came home after two day.

Jungkook didn't answer and just walked past his mother. He had been avoiding her, every since he got to know that both his and Taehyung's parents knew about Taehyung and him being mates.

After the confrontation with Taehyung, Jungkook went straight home to his parents. When he abruptly presented them with that question, both Sonmi and Junghyun couldn't help but be shocked. Their obvious reaction gave Jungkook the necessary confirmation.

He was angry. But he was more disappointed than anything else. He knew he really shouldn't blame his parents, when Taehyung was the one who wanted to leave him. He was just disappointed and tired of being deceived by everyone for so long.

Jungkook began to distance himself from his parents, leaving the house early and coming back in late in the night. Sonmi tried to talk with him many time, but he always left without talking.

He was almost at his door when Junghyun's commanding voice rang through the house. "Stop right there, young man!"

Jungkook stopped with his hand on the door handle.

"Your mother asked you a question." Junghyun's voice had an air of authority that Jungkook couldn't possibly ignore. "Where were for the past two days?"

Jungkook turned around and faced his father. "I was at a friend's house."

"Which friend? I checked with all your friends. You were not at their houses."

Much to Junghyun's suprise, Jungkook chuckled a bit at that. "So they do know how to keep a secret."

"Jungkook you can't-"

"I can't stay at a friend's place?"

"Son, that's not what I'm saying! We are just worried about you."

Jungkook was a silent for few seconds before he gave a small smile to his father. "You didn't worry about me for the past two years, Dad. Please don't bother starting now."

With that, Jungkook went in to his room. The sound of the door slamming resonated throughout the house while Junghyun and Sonmi shared a look of dismay.

Few months have passed since Taehyung last saw Jungkook but there hasn't been a single day that he hasn't thought about the younger. He talked with Junghyun from time to time, just to see how Jungkook is doing but the response he got everytime, was pretty much the same.

They didn't know.

Jungkook rarely saw or spoke with them and was out of the house for days at a time. Even when he was home, it felt like a stranger. He never answered to any of Junghyun's or Sonmi's question or concerns.

Taehyung wanted to talk to him, explain things. But at the same time, he knew he couldn't. If anything, Taehyung was sure that Jungkook doesn't want to see him anymore.

The sound of his phone ringing was what pulled Taehyung out of his deep and depressing thoughts.

"Chim... tonight?... yeah, I can come... ohhh... that should be fun.. yeah, see you later."

"Finally." V's voice sounded really tired, making Taehyung feel rather bad.

The job that Taehyung is currently doing, is not that suitable for an Alpha wolf like V. He needs to let out his dominance and power, bottling it up for a long time will be harmful for his mental wellbeing. And both of them had been worrying about Jungkook a lot too. So V was not feeling very 'alpha like' lately.

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