43 - Back To Where You Are.

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Taehyung looked at the man sitting on the bed, reading a book, with a very apparent attempt to not catch his eyes. Jungkook had been doing that ever since he let out that he missed Taehyung.

Throughout the ride back, that was the only thing on Taehyung's mind. Not what Jungkook said, he knew the younger missed him. After all, he missed Jungkook like crazy too.

No, the thing that got stuck with him was how Jungkook admitted that. How he let that vulnerable side of him show, despite having a very convincing facade of being moved on.

It made Taehyung's heart ache with a new intensity. When he saw Jungkook after all these time, he was definitely surprised but at that same time, he was relieved. He was glad that his baby was not going through the daily torture that he himself was having. The torture of missing the one he love.

But as it turned out, both had been living in a sea of sorrows, while showing the world a convincing smile.

Taehyung was grateful for the second chance he got to be in Jungkook's life. He was okay to suffer everyday, but he just can't make Jungkook do the same.

Taehyung silently got on to the bed and slid under the cover. "Uhhh... do you want to keep the light more or..?"

Jungkook gave a quick, split second glance at the elder before looking back at the book in his hand. "Yeah, I'll switch it off in a bit."


Taehyung settled down but sleep was no where near him, as he was hyper aware of the presence next to him. Unintentionally, Taehyung stared at the younger, trying to see what has changed in his face in the past two years.

Jungkook looked aged. And... matured. He didn't had the baby fat in his cheeks anymore. His jawline was smooth and sharp, not to mention those plumpy lips. How good will it feel to kiss-

Taehyung quickly averted his gaze back towards the ceiling. He shouldn't think such things about his baby. Not this soon atleast. He looked back at Jungkook after few seconds though, he just couldn't help it.

"You're staring at me." Jungkook's voice sounded little nervous and Taehyung gave a soft smile at that.

"You're saying I can't?" Taehyung was clearly teasing.

"That's- that's not what I meant." Jungkook rolled his eyes but couldn't stop the light blush that started to spread through his cheeks.

Taehyung got up and sat leaning on the bed frame. He slowly raised his hand and touched the younger's cheek with his finger, right where it had the most colour. "You look beautiful when blushing."

Jungkook tightened his lips and ignored what Taehyung said. But the elder was not done yet. He gently ran his finger over Jungkook's jaw. He could feel how Jungkook tensed under his touch.

Taehyung tried to turn Jungkook's face towards him, applying only the minimum pressure with his finger. The younger resisted and kept his face turned away.

"Look at me."

It was not said in a commanding voice but Jungkook felt it just as powerful. It was not possible for him to disobey that. He slowly turned his head to look at Taehyung's soft gaze fixed on him.

"Don't look away from me." Taehyung said in a soft voice. "Never look away from me. Okay?"


They stared at each other for few seconds. Taehyung kept his gaze fixed on Jungkook's starry eyes and was amused to see the younger's gaze shifting between his eyes and his mouth.

Taehyung ran his tongue over his lips, in an attempt to moisten as they felt too dry, but it brought out an interesting reaction from the younger. Jungkook's pupils dilated and his breath seem to be hitched in his throat too.


Taehyung could see Jungkook slowly leaning forward. It seemed like an involuntary action, as if he was being drawn by an invisible string.

Taehyung waited, till the younger was close enough. He knew Jungkook would not cross that line. It was Taehyung's task and his responsibility. He was just waiting to see if Jungkook was sure about it, as he himself was.

"Hyungie.." Jungkook whispered again, voice laced with a hit of a desperation this time.

"Are you sure?" Taehyung's voice was equally quiet, with a tone of excitement mixed with caution. "We can wait if it's too soon."

Jungkook didn't mean to do it but a soft whine escaped his lips. The younger's lips were hovering about two inches away from Taehyung's, respectfully waiting for the latter to initiate the move. Jungkook wanted to be claimed, not the other way around.

Taehyung gave a soft smile and leaned forward to close that gap. Just before their lips touched, both of them closed their eyes.

The feelings was everything they had hoped, just million times better. Their lips fit together like puzzle pieces, made exclusively for each other.

Taehyung sneaked his hand over Jungkook's waist and pulled him closer to his body. He could sense the younger twisting on the bed due to that pull, finally making him straddle Taehyung.

Jungkook had Taehyung's shirt tightly grasped in his hands and he used it to pull the elder toward him, until their chests were pressed to each other.

They pulled out from the kiss few time to breath, as well as to remind themselves to not get carried away. This first kiss was dreamed by both of them, for so many years. Sometimes it was just within their reach, sometimes it was lightyears away.

But now, finally, they get to have it. And it was as magical as it could ever hoped to be.

Taehyung was the first one to pull away and he gently pushed Jungkook by his hips too. He looked endearingly at the younger, before raising his hand to fix a stray strand of hair, which had fallen over his forehead.

Jungkook's lips wobbled for a mere second before he leaned forward and hid his face in Taehyung's shoulder. Muffled sobs could be heard within few seconds and the younger's body slightly shook in line with the sound too.

Taehyung gently ran a hand over Jungkook's back, allowing the younger to let out his emotions. It was a significant moment in their lives, it makes sense to be little overwhelmed.

"Why are you crying, Koo?" Taehyung asked in a soft voice. "Am I that bad of a kisser? Hmm?"

Another whine could be heard from the younger, which made Taehyung chuckle a bit. "My baby.. my gorgeous baby. Don't cry anymore, okay? I promised I won't make you cry ever again, didn't I?"

That brought out a new wave of silent sobs and hiccups from the younger. Taehyung smiled again and started to sing a song, while gently caressing Jungkook's back.

'It's summer, I see you.
You always come to me besides the lake.
When the rain stops, you shine on me.
Your light is the only thing that keeps the cold out.

Moon in the summer night,
Whispering of the stars,
They're singing like Christmas trees for us.

So, I tell you a million tiny things that you have never known.
It all gets built up inside.
And I tell you a million little reasons, falling for your eyes.
I just want to be with you, oh..

It's such a strange thing to do.
Sometimes I don't understand you.
But it always brings me back to where you are.'

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