Hoseok stumbled back a bit as the small 7 year old boy, crashed with his body.
"Woah there, buddy!" Hoseok placed a hand over the child's shoulders, steadying him so that he won't fall on his back due to the impact.
"Kim Hyeon!!"
Sonmi's stern voice made both of them look at that direction, only to see her marching towards them with with frown on her face.
The child, Hyeon, quickly hid behind Hoseok, but not before he stuck his tongue out to Sonmi in a teasing manner.
"Hello, Auntie." Hoseok greeted Sonmi with a friendly smile, while the protective hand was still over the child's head.
"Hello, darlings." Sonmi gave a soft smile to Hoseok, Yeri and their son, before her expression turned to stern again. "Come out of there, you little terror. Or your father's gonna hear about what you did."
That made the small kid come out from his hiding spot and look at Sonmi with his bambi eyes. "Please, grandma, don't tell Appa."
Sonmi sighed. How he knew to use his doe eyes and pouting lips like that at such a small age, was a mystery to Sonmi. He knew exactly what he was doing.
"I won't. But you have to go and clean it up. Now run."
Hyeon pouted some more but eventually went away to clean his scattered toys. He was supposed to play only in his playroom, but being the bratty kid he is, the toys are scattered all over the living room.
"He's a handful, isn't he?" Yeri asked with a smile and Sonmi sighed again.
"Handful is not even enough to cover it, dear. I don't know whare he gets his brattyness. His parents were never like that. And Areum was an absolute angel when she was young."
The elders got startled a bit when the boy standing with his parents, made a small sound at that name. Like he's trying to clear his throat as quietly as he can.
"She's in the garden, love." Sonmi said with a soft smile, her heart instantly warming up to see the slight blush on the boy's face. "You should go say hi."
The boy blushed even more. "O-okay, I'll go now, grandma Sonmi."
There elders watched as the teenager walked towards the direction of the garden. At the age of 17, he about an inch taller than Hoseok. And very handsome. He'll grow up to be an amazing man one day.
"What's his favourite dish, Yeri?" Sonmi asked as she still stared at the retreating figure, with a soft smile on her face.
Sonmi turned to the younger women, both sharing a knowing look. "I'll teach her how to make it."
Taehyung looked up at the sound of his office door opening, already knowing who it was. There's only one person who dares to open the door without knocking first. His husband of 18 years."Hey, baby."
"Hi." Jungkook walked straight to Taehyung's chair and pushed it back a bit. "Hobi hyung is here."
Taehyung dared to glance back at the work he was doing, but smiled sheepishly when he noticed Jungkook's eye roll.
Guess he will have to complete it later.
Jungkook held his hand out and Taehyung gently grabbed it. Even after all these years, Jungkook’s touch makes butterflies flutter in his stomach.
"Still a whipped fool."
Taehyung scoffed at the voice inside his mind. "As if you're any better!"

Till Death Do Us Part - A Taekook Love Story.
FanfictionA Mate, is the most important person for a werewolf. They offers you neverending love and support... They will help you walk through every hail storm in life.. survive every drought... and harsh winters... so that you can bloom in to a beautiful fl...