42 - First One After A Long Time.

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"So, Where are we going?" Jungkook asked as the car slowly pulled out of the garage.

"I thought we should go to Namsan Tower today. It has many interesting things to see, I think you'll love it."

Jungkook hummed as a response. He knows what Namsan Tower is, even though he had never been there. While he could think of many fun things that they can do there, the first thing that came to his mind was the infamous Locks of Love.

"What's that?" JK's curious question rang through their shared mind and Jungkook was quick to answer.

"It's a place where people go to buy a padlock and key, and you can put your names and messages on surface of the lock with markers and pens. And then you hang those padlocks on a fences."

"Huh? What for?"

Jungkook felt his face getting hotter by the second and he turned towards the car window so that he can hide his blushing face from Taehyung. Hopefully.

"It's done by c-couples." Jungkook answered to his wolf in a mortified tone. "You know, for everlasting love. You throw away the key and as long as the lock is there, your love will last too."


"But it's a load of crap, actually. I don't believe in those stuff."

"Uh-huh.. could have fooled me with the way your turning in to a tomato, right now."

"S-shut up!"

JK laughed merrily while Jungkook scowled. Taehyung of course was oblivious to both actions. Jungkook thought maybe JK was done with his questions but his wolf had some more stuff to say.

"If I could shift, maybe me and my alpha can put a lock there too."

Jungkook snorted at that. "Yeah. A fine sight it will be when two wolves try to hang a padlock with their teeth."

JK huffed at that and retreated far in to their shared mind. Even though Jungkook felt a bit bad, he was also glad for that conversation to stop. Because Taehyung had been giving him subtle glances, probably due to his red face.


Taehyung scooted closer to Jungkook and tentatively put his hand over Jungkook's hand. The younger had been staring out of the cable car that they were taking to go to the Namsan Tower.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a questioning gaze and Taehyung gave a soft smile. "You can hold my hand if you want."

Jungkook was confused. It's not that he didn't want to hold hands but the way Taehyung said is sounded off to him. "Huh?"

"Hold my hand. The height makes you uncomfortable, right?"

"No it doesn't."

Now it was Taehyung's turn to be confused. The Jungkook he knew was scared of heights, always clinging on to Taehyung or Junghyun whenever they did something involving higher ground.

After few seconds of silent staring, Jungkook understood what the elder was thinking about. Taehyung was right. Jungkook used to be scared of height. But not anymore.

Jungkook looked at the elder's hand over his, and gently tangled their fingers. He then looked up and gave a soft smile to the other.

"I'm not scared of heights anymore, hyungie. But if it's still okay, I'd love to hold hands."

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