07 - V

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The first time Jungkook saw Taehyung's wolf, he was left open mouthed. Even at the age of 16, Taehyung's wolf, V, was almost as big as Junghyun's. It was truly a majestic sight, as the huge black wolf with glowing red eyes, ran around the clearing near the forest.

Taemin, who had been training Taehyung that day, panicked a little at first. It was one of those days where Jungkook had managed to sneak out under his mother's watchful eyes, and Taemin didn't had the heart to send him back. It was such a recurring occasion that the elder has gotten used to it.

Nobody expected Taehyung to be able to shift this early and so it came as a shock when he started to scream in pain. Taemin was frozen for few seconds before he yelled Jungkook to run away. He then shifted himself and tried to mind link Taehyung's wolf, in an attempt to easy them through the transition.

Jungkook, however, was in no condition to run. The worry he felt for Taehyung as he listened to the agonising screams made him be rooted to where he was standing. And as Taemin had all his attention focused on Taehyung, he didn't noticed that Jungkook didn't left too.

It took Taehyung about 10 minutes to fully shift. The black wolf raised his head from the ground and weakly looked around. Taemin's dark brown wolf tried to make the black one stand up by putting his head under the younger wolf's neck and supporting him.

Once the black wolf was on his feet and didn't look like he will fall, Taemin tried to communicate. But even before Taemin could say a single thing, black wolf snapped his head towards Jungkook, who were still standing frozen.

Taemin's brown wolf noticed the gaze and cursed under his breath. When the black wolf started to take unsteady steps towards Jungkook, the brown wolf tried to block his path. He pushed the black wolf back by his snout, earning a loud, threatening growl from the latter.

Taemin and his wolf didn't knew what to do. Any attempt further will surely be considers as a challenge by the black wolf and Taemin didn't knew how the younger wolf will react to that. The last thing Taemin wanted was to fight his own son, in a battle for dominance.

The black wolf started to walk toward Jungkook again and this time, Taemin cautiously let him. The younger didn't look like he pose a threat to Jungkook, he merely seem curious.

Jungkook watched as the huge black wolf walked towards him. His heart was half filled with fear and half with awe. His inner Omega was falling in to a complete submission, making Jungkook feel a bit timid too. He lowered his gaze to the ground, when it became absolutely unbearable to look at the wolf.

Jungkook stayed stilled, with his heart beating wildly in his chest, until he saw two black paws on the ground next to his own feet. A puff of warm breath hit his hair next, making his body have tingles all over. He could hear Taemin's wolf's low rumble, clearly a warning or a caution, but the black wolf didn't seem to heed that at all.

Suddenly, a low, complaining sort of a sound came from the black wolf and it only took a few seconds for Jungkook to understand that the wolf was whining. He slowly raised his head and was met with the the brightest and most beautiful red eyes he had ever seen.

Jungkook may not have been able to communicate with the wolf or know his intentions but the look in those red eyes were far from threatening. Its gaze was powerful, but at the same time, tender. With a hint of mischief.

Jungkook couldn't stop the soft smile that came on to his face as he slowly raised his hand and put it on the wolf's cheek. The fur there felt so soft and silken, making Jungkook run his fingers through the unconsciously.

"Wow..." Jungkook called in a soft voice and the wolf hummed quietly. "You're beautiful."

Another rumbling noise emitted from the majestic black wolf but this time, it had a happy note. It didn't take a genuine to guess that the wolf was laughing.

The brown wolf shook his head, not believing this interaction between the wolf and the boy. Taehyung's and Jungkook's bond never ceased to surprise him.


Jungkook looked up from the book he was reading to look at V, who was now chasing his own tale. It made Jungkook laugh, as he was sure that the idea of it was Taehyung's. V would never stoop that low and behave playfully like that. But he and Taehyung does have a good understanding so it's understandable that he would do it for Taehyung.

Just as Jungkook were stealing glances, the wolf was looking at the boy every few minutes too. Taehyung's whipped-ness is very hard to subside.

"Stop drooling over him." V's deep voice rang through their shared mind. "That whipped smile will look horrible on my face."

"Shut up. You're whipped for him too." Taehyung huffed back in a playful annoyance.

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are. You let him pet your head like a common dog."

V could not help but growl at that insult and Jungkook looked up in surprise. With a shake of head, V conveyed that everything was okay, making Jungkook go back to his reading, before continuing their inner conversation.

"I do not." V repeated himself but it didn't had the power like previous statement. "It's just that I feel he might be sad if I pull away."

Taehyung snickered as a response. "And that's exactly what I mean by being whipped."

Still huffing in annoyance, V ran back to where Jungkook was sitting. The younger boy gave a radiant smile before patting his lap, gesturing the wolf to lay his head there.

"Did you enjoy your time, V?" Jungkook asked in a soft voice and was answered with a tiny rumble, which he understood to be a 'yes'.

Jungkook started to run his fingers through the fur on the wolf's head, smiling softly when he heard a purr like noise. Taehyung might be Jungkook's favorite in the world but V comes as a close second too. He makes sure to give love and affection to V, on the rare occasion that Taehyung lets him out.

V felt himself getting a little sleepy, due to the soft sensation on his head. The last thing he heard before he fell asleep was Taehyung's voice, which sounded endearing rather than teasing this time.

"Like I said, whipped."
A/N - so now we start the part of the book where they have interactions with their wolves. I've read many Omegawerse stories but sometimes, they have different ideas and rules regarding these. So this is what I imagined for my story and I hope you will accept and like it. For this and all the future instances, please don't comment and say that it's not how wolves and their bonds work cause this is how it works in this story/au. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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