"Welcome, how-" Taehyung stopped talking when he noticed the person who entered the Vet clinic. It was Bogum, carrying a cute Ragdoll cat.
"Hello." Bogum said with a happy smile. "What a coincident!"
Taehyung gave a polite smile in return, while V growled in an annoyed way. The wolf did not believe this was a coincident at all. Taehyung of course had no other choice than to be polite as this was his work place.
"Park Bogum-ssi, how can we help you? And who's is this beautiful fella?" Taehyung said the last part in a cooing voice as he picked up the beautiful white cat from Bogum's arms. He made sure to keep his distance from the other but to his dismay, Bogum's hands touched his arms.
Taehyung wasn't sure whether it was accidentally or deliberate but either way, he decided to ignore it. He carried the cat to the examination table without giving any further attention to its owner. "What's wrong with him?"
Bogum, who had followed Taehyung to the table, peeked over from his shoulder, making Taehyung grit his teeth due to the close proximity.
"I don't know. Snow has been feeling a bit down lately. He's my cousin's cat actually. I'm just helping her since she's busy today."
Taehyung moved around the table in a pretence to fix the lights, so that the table stood as a obstacle between them. He checked the cat for few seconds, before looking back at Bogum.
"Well, he looks healthy to me. But it's definitely better to check. The doctor will be here in a moment, he's just finishing up a dressing."
"Sure, he can take all the time he wants." Bogum said with a radiant smile. "I mean, I don't mind waiting."
"Okay." Taehyung gave a nod and walked back towards his workstation.
Bogum quickly picked up the cat and followed him too, making Taehyung discreetly roll his eyes. He could very well see what the Omega was trying to do, even though he didn't comment on it due to politeness.
"So, Taehyung-ssi, have you been here for a long time? I must say, I never expected an Alpha to work in a such place."
That got V even more angry and Taehyung had to put some effort in to not let the wolf surface. True, it was rather unusual job preference for an alpha, not that it was any of Bogum's business.
Bogum was pushing a line and Taehyung had made up his mind to put the former in his place, when the door to the dressing room opened and Namjoon walked out.
"Tae, check Mr Coffee's dressing in about two hours okay. I put a special lotion on him and I wanna see how it's healing." Namjoon said as he removed his gloves and put them in to the wastebasket. "And who might this little guy be?"
"Hello." Bogum gave a friendly smile to Namjoon. "This is Snow."
"Oh.. pretty name for a pretty guy."
Taehyung quickly moved away to do some other work, as he found it bit annoying to be in the same room as Bogum even. He can explain it to Namjoon later.
It was after about 15 minutes that Namjoon called him back. The cat only needed vitamins as there wasn't anything really wrong with him. Taehyung updated the records and the payment.
"That's it then. Good bye, Snow. Make sure to take your vitamins everyday, okay?" Taehyung said in a cheery voice, deliberately attempting to talk only to the cat.
Things, however, didn't go the way he hoped. Or maybe, it went exactly how Bogum wanted.
One moment, Bogum was standing next to Taehyung, holding the cat. The next moment, he tripped on his own foot, and fell on to Taehyung.

Till Death Do Us Part - A Taekook Love Story.
FanfictionA Mate, is the most important person for a werewolf. They offers you neverending love and support... They will help you walk through every hail storm in life.. survive every drought... and harsh winters... so that you can bloom in to a beautiful fl...