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Rebirth exclusive medicated dieter

Simplified Chinese

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Chapter 5

    As the son of Wuchang Hou Shi, Zhao Xiran, even if he knew that one of the next two beautiful girls would be his successor, he just nodded slightly and didn't look much, and continued to talk to his elder brother without squinting.

    Su Zhijin is very satisfied with this brother-in-law, but it is a pity that the elder sister is not lucky.

    Thinking this way, my heart is choked.

    Su Qingqi was in a low mood. Not only did Hou Shizi Wuchang look similar to her third brother, but he also seemed to have a similar personality.

    Maybe he is the previous life of the third brother.

    Su Qinghan and Su Qingqi first went to see Lord Hou's wife Wang as the family members. They each got into a small sedan chair, carried by a sturdy slave, passed by Zhaobi, passed through the Chuhua Gate, and then bypassed a short corridor on the west side, and arrived at Lord Hou. The courtyard where Mrs. Wang lives.

    Leaving Minglan and Mingya outside, the two sisters entered the house under the leadership of the mother-in-law. As soon as they entered, they saw the house full of people. Su Qingqi honored the meeting honestly and didn't show her intentions.

    Su Qinghan secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the eldest princess was not there, so she said, how could she meet them with such a noble status as the eldest princess.

    Big brother is really unreasonable.

    The long princess was an exception in the entire Daqing Dynasty. After she got married, she did not live in her princess mansion, but instead lived in the Wuchang Houfu.

    Even the current emperor respects this aunt, and it can be said that the princess is now the most noble woman in the entire Daqing Dynasty.

    Of course, this dignity is based on the grand princess knowing the general, knowing how to advance and retreat, and has not stepped on the emperor's bottom line in the slightest.

    The former Su Qinghan didn't understand, but now Su Qinghan understands it thoroughly.

    The maids in the house either serve tea or hold a fan, they are all well-behaved.

    There are a few brightly dressed concubine Ji respectfully serving the beautiful lady in the main seat with low eyebrows. Needless to say, she is Mrs. Hou's wife Wang. Next to the beautiful lady sits a pretty and lovely girl on the left, on the right. Sitting was a woman about eighteen or nine years old who was combing her head.

    Don't guess, this must be Ning Shi, the wife of the brother-in-law Zhao Xuanran.

    As for the other children born out of the house, they are not in this room.

    The beautiful woman in the main seat carefully looked at the two beautiful girls below, nodded secretly, smiled kindly and praised: "You two are Qinghan and Qingqi, this looks really long, more than a portrait. The ones on the show are pretty good!”

    After pointing to the pretty girl Princess Xin Rou and another woman Ning Shi, Su Qingqi and Su Qinghan hurriedly paid a courtesy.

    "I still think Sister-in-law is pretty!" The pretty girl stared at the two with wide eyes for a long time, and said something like this while pouting her mouth.

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