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Rebirth exclusive medicated dieter

Simplified Chinese

set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 51:

    After listening to her proposal, Lord Chu Hou considered it for a while, and finally agreed.

    The medicinal soup made by Aqi is very effective. If the injured people or officials drink it, they will definitely not lose their lives, because they are afraid that someone will take the opportunity to make trouble.

    But this is not a problem for Master Chu Hou, who brought in Chu Er and directly sent people to the hospital to ask the doctor to come and sit down.

    Su Qingqi boils a decoction for clearing away heat and dispelling cold in the medicated food room. The method of clearing away heat and dispelling cold is simple and the medicinal materials are also common, such as ginger, poria cocos, licorice, pinellia, water fragrance, tangerine peel, sesame leaves and other very common medicinal materials.

    But in the time of a cup of tea, Su Qingqi boiled a big pot of medicinal soup.

    When he was hesitating to make the second pot, Master Chu Hou came in. Today's Master Chu Hou was wearing a black brocade robe with a dark gold belt around his waist. He was tall and tall, and he was very proud of him. A gentle smile.

    "Aqi, is the

    medicinal soup ready?" Su Qingqi nodded, pointing to the steaming cauldron next to him, "I just finished it, and I 'm thinking about making another pot."

    "One pot is enough!"

    Master Chu Hou didn't want A Qi to be too tired. He stepped forward, took the spoon on the side, took a scoop, and blew, then took a sip and commented.

    "It tastes good! The medicine smells

    slightly ." Su Qingqi's mouth twitched: " Master Hou, you are not injured, how can you drink the medicine soup at will... " Master Chu Hou raised his eyebrows

    and smiled slightly: "The medicine soup made by Aqi is not sick. It’s okay if you don’t drink it

    painfully ." "..." Su Qingqi was speechless, suddenly remembering that today is the day when Lord Chu drank the five-color medicinal soup, and reminded him: "Master Hou, don't forget to drink the five-color medicinal soup."

    Chu Master Hou chuckled, and the corners of his lips curled up: "Aqi still cares about me."


    Master Chu Hou's face became thicker and thicker. What about the good male god?

    Ming Lan and the fire-burning servants were secretly watching the excitement, especially Ming Lan, eyes full of excitement, covering his mouth and laughing, Chu Yi, who was behind Master Chu Hou, caught a glimpse of Ming Lan's expression and shook his mind for a moment.

    About a quarter of an hour, Su Qingqi asked him to put the cauldron of medicinal soup into a jar and move it to the lobby, just as Chu Er came over with two educated doctors.

    The two imperial physicians thought they came to diagnose the legs of Lord Chu Hou. They were so happy that they thought they had the opportunity to find out the secret that Lord Chu Hou's legs could stand up. Who knew that Lord Chu Hou broke their illusion as soon as they spoke. .

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