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Rebirth exclusive medicated dieter

Simplified Chinese

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Chapter 8 Stay

    Su Qingqi nodded firmly, her voice determined: "Yes, please do it!"

    After she finished speaking, she was nervous and nervous, and the hand under the sleeve was tightly clenched, and she waited with breathlessness.

    Zhao Xiran turned her head to look at Su Qingwan, and asked, "

    Wan'er , what do you think?" Su Qingwan groaned for a while, raised her eyes and looked at the third younger sister, seeing her plump cheeks and healthy and ruddy complexion, and answered the question: "Sanmei, Has your fetal disease cured?"

    She remembered her mother saying that the third sister was born with a fetal disease, even if she grows up, she will be thin and weak, and her face will never be as healthy and ruddy as it is now.

    The strange thing is that my mother didn't notice it.

    In fact, Su Qingqi made sure to eat and drink well in the last two or three months before coming to Kyoto to become plump.

    Hearing Su Qingwan’s questioning, Su Qingqi felt a bit of a panic in her heart, knowing that she couldn’t keep the secret, she could only admit: "It’s good."

    "Did you drink the

    medicinal soup you made yesterday?" The delicacy and the changes in the body, especially since the imperial doctor said that the cold in her body had been relieved a lot, so she couldn't help asking.

    If there is a medicinal soup made by the third sister to regulate the body, I am not afraid that I will not be able to conceive a child when I recover.

    She was too careless. I remember that when she was young, her mother said that she was in good health. How did she know that she had not been pregnant for a year after she married Zhao Xiran's eldest son? disease.

    So it must be human.

    But she was always very careful, but she didn't know what she was doing.

    The medicine prescribed by the imperial physician is not very effective, and it needs to be taken for several years. Sanmei's medicinal soup is surprisingly effective. If possible, she wants to keep Sanmei by her side for a period of time.

    "No, the ingredients are different." Su Qingqi shook her head and denied, "It's the first time I made the pot of medicinal soup like yesterday. I'm afraid I can't make it again."

    "Is there a medicinal soup for the treatment of Gong Han?" Su Qingwan asked impatiently, looking nervous.

    Zhao Xiran also stared at Su Qingqi with scorching eyes.


    Su Qingqi hesitated for a while before nodding. There are medicated diets for various diseases in Shijing. Unfortunately, Shijing is passed down through blood. The higher the purity of blood, the more complete the inheritance of Shijing and the content. They are completely engraved in the soul.

    Su Qingqi was the one who obtained the complete inheritance. She had doubted whether her ancestors were the cultivators in the novels, otherwise, how could there be such a mysterious blood inheritance, but after she learned the "Food Classics", she broke this conjecture.

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