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Rebirth exclusive medicated dieter

Simplified Chinese

set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 61:

After Su Qingqi completed the final steps of the Yuji Xiangti Pill, she saw a long figure standing by the door. It turned out that Lord Hou had returned. He looked up at the sky outside and then looked at the medicated food room. The funnel, noon has passed, Su Qingqi is embarrassed.

???? Turns out it's so late.

"Hou Ye, have you eaten lunch?" She quickly put the Jade Muscle Fragrant Body Pills into the porcelain bottle and sealed it, and then asked with some guilty conscience.

"Not yet, wait for you to eat together." Chu Houye smiled softly, stepped forward and rubbed her head, then took her soft little hand and held it in the palm of his hand: "Let's go!"

Chu Yiheming behind Lan and others hurriedly followed.

After lunch, Lord Chu Hou originally planned to take a lunch break with A Qi, but the Wuchang Hou Mansion suddenly sent A Qi's personal maid, Mingyu, with a basket of red eggs, saying that Su Qingwan had already given birth.

Su Qingqi was happy for her eldest sister to have a baby. Then she thought that the month was not right, and a little bit of misfortune rose in her heart: "If I remember correctly, the eldest sister is only about seven months old? How could it be possible to give birth so soon? Is it twins?"

Mingyu's eyes suddenly turned red when he heard the words, and he said with anger: "It's not twins. Madam was fine. Who knows that Princess Yaru went crazy this morning and broke into the Hou Mansion. He found his wife and made a big fuss. Suddenly she pushed the wife, and she saw Hong on the spot."

"Fortunately, the madam has been taking the baby pills you gave, and this gave birth to the son safely. The doctor has already checked it. Although the son was born prematurely, his body was born prematurely. Some are thin, but very healthy." Mingyu is grateful to the third girl from the bottom of his heart. If it weren't for the third girl's fetus pill, it would be hard to say whether the wife could survive this hurdle.

Su Qingqi listened to her heartbeat.

The eldest sister was pregnant for more than seven months. This princess Yaru was bold enough to directly hurt the eldest sister. It was so irritating!

No, the eldest sister is now heavy, and her brother-in-law must have sent someone to protect her. How could she let Princess Yaru succeed?

And how did Princess Yaru break into the Wuchang Mansion?

Is it possible that Wuchang Hou Mansion is a sieve? Anyone can go in?

"Mingyu, what the hell is going on? Wuchang Hou Mansion is also the Hou Mansion no matter what, how can Princess Yaru break into the elder sister's yard so smoothly, where are all the servants of the Hou Mansion? Why is there no one to stop?"

Su Qingqi's face sank slightly, and she pressed her lips repeatedly. She didn't care about the reason why the Lord Yaru came to the door. She was angry about the actions of the Marquis of Wuchang, knowing that the eldest sister and Lord Yaru did not. To deal with it, she didn't stop her, and made Princess Yaru hurt her eldest sister.

It is simply unforgivable!

Now Su Qingqi doesn't know that she will soon have an intersection with Yaru Princess. It is said that the root of all this is in her second sister, Su Qinghan.

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