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Rebirth exclusive medicated dieter

Simplified Chinese

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Chapter 10 Transactions

    ? At this time, Su Qinghan went up to show off her talent. She was performing Pipa. When she said that she was performing her own "Chunjiang Flower Moon Night", Su Qingqi's eyes widened.

    Did she hear me right?

    Su Qinghan created Chunjiang Huayueye? Listening to the familiar melody, Su Qingqi has no idea. Needless to say, this concubine sister is undoubtedly a fellow with her.

    But this fellow is really amazing, just like an ancient man.

    After confirming the origin of the second sister, she explained her proficiency in medical skills. Maybe the second sister was a doctor in her previous life.

    She is also clever. Instead of choosing "High and Deep Flowing Water" and "Guangling San", she chose the most Jiangnan style "Chunjiang Huayueye".

    The second sister hides so deeply!

    Su Qingqi sighed in her heart. Judging from her previous performance, this second sister is not a brainless woman, but what's going on now?

    Now everyone in Dayuanzi is attracted by Su Qinghan.

    No one knows that Su Qinghan wants this effect. This is a part of her plan for a long time. She glanced somewhere without a trace, and did not miss the appreciation in the eyes of that person. "Chunjiang Hua Yueye" is worthy of an ancient song that will last forever.

    After the performance, she stood up and was slightly blessed.

    "Okay, okay!" Princess Changning clapped her hands and praised, looking at Su Qinghan with a trace of satisfaction: "Governor Su has given birth to a good daughter!"

    Su Qinghan was overjoyed, and she patted Princess Changning's flattery with modesty and no trace. Coupled with her every move looks elegant, dignified and majestic, Princess Changning remembered this girl with a relatively low family status in her heart.

    After brushing his presence fiercely, Su Qinghan calmly returned to his seat under the envy, jealousy and hatred eyes of many ladies.

    "Second sister, the tune you play is really good!" Su Qingqi smiled and praised.

    Su Qinghan couldn't hide her joy on her beautiful face, and felt that the three sisters in front of her were pleasing to the eye a lot.

    Su Qingwan just faintly praised: "The music is very good." But she was a little worried in her heart, maybe she should write a letter to her father.

    She also participated in the Hundred Flowers Banquet back then, and she should be showy, but it's not good to be too outrageous, especially when the family background can't keep up, I hope the second sister will not do stupid things.

    Don't forget that my father once said,'Su's daughter is not a concubine'.

    Halfway through the Baihua Banquet, Su Qingqi decided that the second sister was a fellow villager, so she put it aside, and now the most important thing is her own business.

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