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Rebirth exclusive medicated dieter

Simplified Chinese

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81.Chapter 81

    ???? After half a month, Su Qingqi, who spends one or two hours every day concocting medicine in the medicinal food room, finally broke through his mental power and reached the conditions for making birth pills. The king of Chu was overjoyed, full of spring breeze, and Su Qingqi’s pretty face was also happy. One piece, but there is some guilty conscience in my heart.

    When she broke through her mental power, she unlocked more prescriptions in her mind. In fact, the extinct symptoms of Lord Chu had a solution. As long as she made Shengjing Pills and Gujing Pills and took them continuously for three months, Medicine is necessary to cure the disease.

    After weighing the pros and cons, Su Qingqi did not say this way.

    "Aqi, the medicinal materials are all ready, when will you make the pills?" Prince Chu asked impatiently.

    Su Qingqi thought for a while. She still needs to simulate the production process in her mind. There are two precious medicinal materials in it. What if it fails?

    "Two days later." She gave a certain time.

    After Prince Chu got the reply, the joy in his heart couldn't be restrained. He glanced at A Qi's abdomen and calculated it in his heart. Now it is late autumn, he has to fight for A Qi to be pregnant with his child by the end of the year. OK, so he can be a dad next year.

    Two days later, Su Qingqi only failed once and made a pill, a total of ten pills, packed in a white jade porcelain bottle and handed it to Lord Chu, and explained how to take it.

    With the hope, the Chu family is no longer in crisis. The corners of the eyebrows and eyes of Lord Chu are filled with joy these days, which has attracted the curiosity of Su Zhiyue, Zhao Xiran and others.

    After this world, they finally couldn't help but surround Prince Chu at the entrance of the hall.

    As the older brother-in-law, Zhao Xiran smiled and patted Lord Chu on the shoulder.

    "Tzuyu, your face is full of spring breeze these days, is there a

    happy event ?" "Yes, third brother-in-law, quickly tell me what is the happy event." Su Qingqi's second brother Su Zhiyue also stepped forward.

    Su Zhijin stared at Lord Chu blankly.

    Mo Feng, who had just been married, was also curious.

    Lord Chu glanced slightly at the few gossip faces that came up, raised his eyebrows, and said badly, "You will know later!" After speaking, he turned and left gracefully.

    A few men were left with big eyes and small eyes, and they felt as if they were being slapped by a cat. Mo Feng couldn't help but suggest: "Should we go to Huaining Palace to see?"

    "This is a good idea. It's been a long time since I've eaten the meals made by the third sister. I really miss it." Su Zhiyue was the first to raise his hand to agree. Thinking of the cooking skills of the third sister, he couldn't help swallowing.

    Zhao Xiran's eyes brightened, coughed, and reminded the other three people: "Mo Feng's suggestion is good. It just so happens that we can gather together. Then I will bring Wan'er over, and you should also bring someone there. I think Tzuyu will welcome us."

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