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Rebirth exclusive medicated dieter

Simplified Chinese

set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 21

    ? In six days, whether it is long or short, Su Qingqi has completed the task of making medicine soup, and her elder brother Su Zhijin will also arrive in the capital in these two days.

    At this time, the Mid-Autumn Festival has entered, and the leaves of some of the big trees in the mansion have gradually begun to turn yellow.

    Su Qingqi rarely went to Huaining Hou Mansion today because Princess Xinrou suddenly came to her.

    Princess Xinrou has not been in a good mood these days. Every time she came back to see her eldest sister, Princess Xinrou was there. The 16 or 17-year-old girl had a touch of melancholy between her eyebrows.

    In fact, marriages between family members are normal, especially since Princess Xinrou and Prince Yu’s son Li Can have an oral engagement, but this engagement is only popular with Princess Xinrou.

    "Today, Li Can announced in front of everyone that the marriage contract between us was only a verbal contract. There was no exchange of Geng Tie, and I didn't count it. I never thought he would be so cruel, and even publicly said that I was stalking him and causing him trouble. , Let me stay away from him in the future..." Princess Xinrou looked sad and sad, and she would never forget the pity of the ladies present.

    She didn't know why she would talk to Su Qingqi, but she only felt that she was a trustworthy person.

    Su Qingqi asked Minglan to serve Princess Xinrou with fragrant tea. He frowned slightly when she heard her words. She thought of the son of Li Can who had seen him a few days ago. He didn't expect that he looked human on the surface, but inside was a scumbag.

    Regardless of whether Princess Xinrou is the granddaughter of the eldest princess, compared to the royal clan, this status is one level lower after all.

    It's just that this matter has nothing to do with the second sister?

    She hadn't forgotten how Li Canshizi looked at her second sister at the time.

    "Princess, it's not worth the pain to be sad for such a person. This world is not a man of Li Can's son. There are more men who are better than him and better than him."

    Princess Xinrou smiled bitterly and took the tea. Mouth tea, "I always thought that I would become Li Can's wife, and I have been working hard in this direction, but today, he vetoed all my efforts."

    Su Qingqi glanced at Princess Xinrou and couldn't help asking: "Princess, do you like Li Can's son?" Princess Xinrou

    looked blank for a while, she replied hesitantly: "I don't know, I think I should like him."

    "Sir Li Can dismissed your marriage in public. Do you feel uncomfortable?" Su Qingqi sighed slightly. It seems that Princess Xinrou doesn't know if she likes Li Canshi.

    Although she has never been in love in both lives, her sister has experienced it in her previous life. She has seen her sister commit suicide repeatedly for a man, and in the end, if it weren't for her eldest brother, she found a top hypnotist to hypnotize her sister. Now, she can't imagine what her sister will be like in the end.

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