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Rebirth exclusive medicated dieter

Simplified Chinese

set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 7

    ? After a while, Su Qingqi brought Mother Zhao and others into Su Qingwan's bedroom with a small sealed crock in a food box. In the bedroom, only Zhao Xiran was gently feeding Su Qingwan and drinking tonics, and there were no other maids by her side. son.

    Seeing them coming in, Su Qingwan coughed slightly with excitement.


    Su Qingqi glanced at her brother-in-law Zhao Xiran hesitantly, but she didn't expect her brother-in-law to be there. This is troublesome. Neither Grandma Zhao nor Mingyu knew how to reply. Su Qingwan also found out that he almost showed off. For a while, the bedroom fell silent.

    Zhao Xiran squinted, and Wan'er was hiding something from him.

    "You have something to hide from me?"

    Mother Zhao, Ming Yu and others hurriedly

    bowed and shouted, " Do n't dare!" Su Qingqi pursed her lips and was extremely embarrassed. Su Qingwan suddenly took Zhao Xiran's hand and opened her mouth with difficulty. "Xi Ran, I...cough... can I... believe... you...?"

    "Wan'er, you are my most important woman." Zhao Xiran held her bone-thin hand instead There was a pain in my heart, tears flickered faintly in his long and narrow eyes.

    If it weren't for him, Wan'er wouldn't have lost her life.

    In the end, Su Qingqi couldn't stand it anymore, so she gambled once and told her about making medicinal soup. She hoped that her brother-in-law Zhao Xiran would keep it secret, not to tell her, and promised her three conditions.

    As for what the conditions are, she hasn't thought of it yet, so remember.

    "As long as the blood sucking Gu in Wan'er can be removed, I will promise you everything." Zhao Xiran lifted up and pinned all hopes on Su Qingqi.

    "I hope I didn't believe in the wrong person." Su Qingqi sighed in secret, waited for Mother Zhao to prepare the towel warm water and the copper basin, then asked Mingyu to open the food box and take out the sealed small crock.

    "Wait!" Zhao Xiran suddenly stopped.

    Su Qingqi frowned slightly, brother-in-law wouldn't want to regret it?

    "Sister, you and your maid go out to guard at the door first, and leave Madam Zhao and Mingyu here."


    "Aren't you trying to avoid being suspicious?" Zhao Xiran curled her lips slightly. "Then don't participate."

    Su Qingqi's eyes lit up. Yes, she didn't expect it, and the scene where the blood-sucking Gu came out of the eldest sister's body was too horrible. Nodded quickly.

    "Brother-in-law is thoughtful, I will go out with Ming Lan."

    Not long after Su Qingqi and Ming Lan went out, Mother Zhao also followed out and ordered the servants not to approach the house, and closed the door.

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