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Rebirth exclusive medicated dieter

Simplified Chinese

set up

Turn off the lights




56.Chapter 56

    ???? This kind of knowing blow is more obvious after sleeping in the same bed at night.

    Su Qingqi has become accustomed to having a man next to her. She didn't feel uncomfortable at first. She rubbed the pillow directly after she hit the bed, and fell asleep with the quilt rolled up.

    Master Chu Hou couldn't help but glared across his quilt. Hearing the sound of non-existent breathing coming from the side, Master Chu Hou somehow became a little irritable.

    In the past, Master Chu Hou felt that the two of them were already asleep together. Although they fell asleep with their own quilts, nothing happened, but in his heart, A Qi was already his person.

    So it didn't feel wrong.

    But after some'teaching' from the second prince, Lord Chu Hou finally realized that this situation was wrong, very wrong.

    I feel that Aqi is like the second prince said that he has no interest in him.

    Regardless of his looks, body, power and wealth, he is of the superior kind, not to mention that he has been able to stand up recently. Now as long as he goes out, the noble ladies of Kyoto see him like a bee and a flower, and they rush forward. come over.

    But Ah Qi, who he cared about, did the opposite, and even wanted to sleep with him in a separate room.

    Will you plan to leave Huaining Hou Mansion in the next step?

    Thinking about it this way, Chu Houye's whole person is not good.

    Staring at Aqi, who was already asleep, the devil in Chuhou's heart began to move around. It’s better to boil the frogs in warm water. Before giving small gifts was just to brush some good feelings. Now, he decided to follow the method provided by the second prince. She is familiar with his breath... only to go further in the future.

    After watching Aqi quietly for a few seconds, Lord Chu Hou acted immediately. He threw away his quilt and carefully got into Su Qingqi's quilt.

    Then he hugged her in his arms, let her cheeks rub against her neck, put her fragrant body on her arm, and put her body side by side with one hand on her waist, and Master Chu Hou was satisfied.

    Suddenly, a heat source body was added to the quilt to hug her, and Su Qingqi did not fall asleep again, how could she have not noticed it.

    She was awakened by the unextinguished candle in the bedroom. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the familiar side face of Master Chuhou, the masculine breath coming from the tip of her nose, and those eyes that were as deep as an abyss. Mou, when he fixedly looked at her, he appeared so focused, as if he wanted to suck her whole person in.

    Su Qingqi was a little panicked, her heart pounding, her cheeks flushed!

    "Master Hou, you...you... why did you fall asleep to me?" She uncomfortably moved her face away from the warm neck of Master Chuhou, broke off his hand and left his embrace. Stammered.

    "Two people sleep warmer!"

    Chu Houye was a little dissatisfied with her retreat. He stretched out his long arms and pressed her two bodies together again. A faint body temperature came from where the thighs fit. Her eyes were straight against her bright apricot eyes, and her big hands were placed on her slender waist. Some kind of ambiguous viscous substance spread between the two of them.

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