One Piece | Zoro | Lost yet again

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Waving bye towards Nami and the others as they headed in separate directions. You stood glancing over each group as moss head wasn't upon in any of them. Shrugging your shoulders you headed towards the bath as that's where you planned to spend most of your time at. Even with the responsibility of watching the sunny resting on your shoulders. You relaxed a bit knowing that the only other person aboard the ship was brook. Because to be honest. No matter what disguise you put on the talking Skelton. He'll still stand out.

So. Being aware that the pervert Skelton will gladly keep watch while your alone taking a nice warm bath. It still lingered in your mind what happen to Zoro. Was it possible he left to fine trouble to get into on the island before everyone else. Or was he just sleeping somewhere on the ship like he normally does.

With your eyes shut sinking into the warm water with the steam filling the air. It was quite relaxing.

Though even with everyone on the island exploring, there was still some ruckus's on the ship. Guess brook tripped over something. Hope he doesn't break anything. Or himself.

Getting out of the tub and wrapping a towel around yourself you tilted your head as you peered at the door as there was a shadow of a figure on the other side.

"Brook. If that's you.. I'll kick your Skelton ass off this ship in a heartbeat" you said loudly though the door soon cracked open as a moss headed man poked his head in scratching it as any other time..confused.

"Zoro! I thought you were on the island with the others!"

"Ahh~ they left already.." Zoro spoked as he walked in the bathroom not even a bit aware of the situation you were in.

" lost on the ship didn't you" you asked as a smiled formed on your lips as you attempted to hold back your laughter. However. With Zoro's face turning a bit red. It was kinda hard not to laugh. Even If the boy got lost on the ship a lot.

"No..I..was just debating..if curly brows was going I wasn' there..I didn't get lost on the ship!"

"Keep telling yourself that" you mumbled

"Anyway..why are you still on the sunny?" Zoro asked

"Guarding it with Brook..wherever he's at"

"We'll..I guess I stay and guarded it with should really put some clothes on though" Zoro stated as he continued to stand in the doorway.

"Move and I will"

Moving pass Zoro, a quiet chucked left his lips. You stopped in your tracks in the hallway and turned back to look at him.

"You have something to say..what is it?"

"You would be hopeless if someone attacked you while you were in there. Brook would have been useless..because you know how he is"

"Don't think for a second that I wouldn't just drop this towel and give the individual a nose bleed is that really what you wanted to should have already knew Zoro..I can do some crazy things when the time is right"

"Then let's hang out in the crows nest. Just the two of us. Brook can do the watching stuff on the deck" Zoro said with a cheeky smile as he headed the opposite direction you were heading.

"Hey (Y/n)! I forgot to look nice today!"

"..that's if you don't get lost finding the crows nest..wait..I look nice today..He never says that kind of stuff..does me?"

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