One Piece | Ace | Feild Trip!

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"Why does this trip have to be out in the middle of no where? Damn all of these bugs!"

"Nami stop complaining. Your already here. There's no going back now" you spoke harshly as your eyes were glued onto Nami as she was hoping around clinging onto Robin as she still had her book in hand that she was reading on the bus

"Until the end of the day-"

"You know what I meant Law" you growled at the tall boy before the teacher grabbed all of your attention and started to hand out slips of papers with your assign groups on it before you were sent off onto your hike through the woods to the main building of the site

"Woah! Yes I get to be with (y/n)!" Sanji yelled in joy

"Why am I stuck with all of the delinquents and a single lover boy?"

Looking up at the biology teacher, Mr. Marco. He only smiled before he walked off into the direction of the bus

Feeling the heavy weight of someone's arms on your shoulders your eyes slowly trailed up to meet Ace's as he smirked at you before your eyes traveled back over to the others

You, Ace, sanji, Law, Eustass, and Bonney..this was definitely one hell of a combination

"Bonney..hold the map..and please don't try to eat it" you spoke calmly as you sped walked towards the hiking trails holding Bonney's hand so she didn't wonder off as the other boys right behind you. Especially sanji.

"Alright. This trail right?" Law asked as he glanced over yours and Bonney's shoulders to glance at the map with the highlighted trail

"Let's just hurry this up. Im bored" Eustass mumbled

"It wouldn't be to boring if I push you in that lake" Law commented with a smirk

"(Y/n)~ even in the wilderness you shine brighter then the sun~" sanji stated

"Ace your normally not this quiet" you spoke as he was off to the side while law and Eustass were in the back bickering with sanji on the other side of Bonney trying to make conversation with her

"It's nice...we never actually talk to each other much" Ace spoke quietly

"True..Is there something on your mind?. You look like your zoning out. Don't want you to trip on a root now"


"(Y/n)~ have I yet told you how beautiful you are today?"

"Probably about a hundred times already what did you want to say Ace?"

"I'll..tell you later" Ace mumbled before walking ahead of the group

"Yo kid. Watch curly brows for a second will you"

"Why should I! And for what!?"

"I need to speak with (y/n). This is getting hard to watch from the side lines"

" mean that. Shouldn't you talk to ace though not her"

"Clearly he can't make the first move with Sanji always around her"

Thinking deeply on what Ace would want to talk to you about the sudden movement of Laws arm dropping over your shoulder nearly made you jump out of your skin.

"Ya! say something before you do that!"

"(Y/n) I'm going to be blunt with you. Do you like ace?"

"Wait...friend wise..or love him wise?"

"What do you think?"

"Well..I do like that..for a while..why are you asking me this?"

"Do you like sanji-"

"Hell no"

"Well ok..go up there and talk to him..he's been like that for a while now.. he kept thinking that sanji had a thing for you, he wouldn't listen to reason that sanji is just like that"

"Ok..but what am I suppose to say?" you mumbled in un-easy as you watched Law go back to Eustass and sanji as they were chatting about something themselves

"Ace" calling his name suddenly caught his attention as hd looked over his shoulder as you jogged up next to him

"Talk to me now ace"

Ace glanced away as those words Law spoke remain in your mind

"Is like me don't you?"

"Law said something didn't he" Ace spoked as his head tilted down

"So what if he did. Ace. You should have said something. now I feel awkward since I just admit my feelings towards you and I'm getting the cold shoulder" you mumbled with your hand resting on your neck. You  feel someone's eyes on you. It was at that moment you realized what you said wasn't in your mind but out loud.

"You actually like me like me?" Ace asked with those innocent looking eyes  staring at you

Embarrassed. You darted your head forward and nodded your head. A small laugh came from the side. Glancing over at ace he had his usually smile back on his face.

"That'll be my girlfriend right?" Ace asked with a goofy smile

With a small smile on your face you nodded your head

"Of course I'll be"

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