Kurokos basketball | Kise | Your demon, my goddess

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No one liked you , there was no pacific reason apparently, they just didn't like your presence in the area, some might call it bulling, you on the other hand just ignored them and focused on your work

Group projects would be a pain though for that writing class as you only had one friend in there who didn't have any problems with you nor your dark aurora that surrounded you

As things would proceed in the class even the teacher would point out the scandals that would go on at your table to the class, thinking someone would care, but nope. They would just pitch in and ignore the hell out of you too

Except one guy, one guy with blonde hair that everyone just loved, he payed no attention to you, which you liked

It was another day of the class and yet again it was that time of week to do a partner project, of course your friend was your buddy, but as you sat down at your table , gossiping was going on and your friend couldn't help but over hear it

"There saying things again"

"Nothing new" you mumbled with your head prompted onto your hand as you wrote down and interesting plot for your twos short story assignment

"You should stop them, this is really getting ridiculous (y/n)"

"There isn't any point, they're not going to listen to me"

At that moment the chattering in the room stopped suddenly, to your guess it was just the principal stopping by. However the expression on your friends face said other wise

You could fell a hand on top of your head, the only thing you could think of is that they came up with something new to say weird shit to you with. Yet looking back at your friend you could see visible hearts in her eyes.than a voice spoke. One you never heard of

"You might seem like a demon to others miss (y/n), but I can reassure you..that your a goddess in my eyes"

Head slowly tilting up to see who this person could be. To your surprised it was the blonde hair prince Kise. With that delicate smile on his face

"What are you babbling about now Prince Charming" one of the boys asked with an annoyed expression

"Simple..say or do anything to my girlfriend from now on..I'll punish you myself"

The room went quiet again and everyone went back to there seats and worked. As Kise was about to walk away you grabbed his wrist and pulled him down so he was crouching down next to your chair

"What was that" you mumbled avoiding his eyes contact

"Your my girlfriend now (y/n)...like it or not I've grown fond over your personality and I wanted you to be mine for a while now"

With a blank expression covering your face he only gave you a half hearted smile before standing up

"Be good now my princess"

"Wait..so I don't even get a say in this!" You whispered shouted at him

"Depends..what is your answer?"

"...well..I'm not going to protest on being your girlfriend"

Mumbling you crossed your arms over your chest and tilt your head back up at him

His faced beamed with a smile as he leaned down and hugged you, shocking you and your friend as she just sat there with her hand over her mouth and her phone out snapping a few pics

"Ok Kise~ you can let go now before you choke me to death here"

"Oh..sorry..I'm just happy"

"As much as I don't mind watching this you both should really get back to work" your teacher said sternly as she held a piercing gaze at both of you over the top of her laptop

"Talk to you later"

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