Haikyuu | Oikawa

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Walking into the gymnasium were the guys told a certain female were they would be doing practice matches against kurasuna at

As the girl stride down the stone path that lead to the doors the loud yelling and screaming were loud and clear from outside

As she stood in front of the double doors she took a deep breath before pushing them open and revealing a bunch of sweaty boys running around 

She watched as a volleyball rolled across the floor towards her and smirked picking it noticing how no one knew about her presence...yet

Scanning the room to find her cocky boyfriend she finally spotted him as he held one of his arms behind his head laughing

Smirking at the sight of her target she position her right leg back as her grip on the ball tighten opening her mouth to collect air as she yelled


While shutting one eye the girl chuck the ball towards oikawa's head and before he could see it coming and dodge it he was laying on the floor with blood flying out of his nose

It caught everyone in the rooms attention as it brought there eyes towards you

"And that's why we don't make her angry Oikawa" Takahiro mumbled as he shrugged his shoulders and sigh loudly

"YOU INVITED SATAN!" Yutaro shouted as he ran to hide behind Iwaizumi

"Woah who's she?!" Hinata yelled as he pointed towards the double doors that you were still standing in front of

"Oh her..that's Okiawa's girlfriend (y/n) you don't want to get on her bad side as she clearly demonstrated what she is capable of" Iwaizumi  spoke looking down at the knock out Okiawa

"What did you do to piss her off this time?"

Okiawas head shot up and was meet with (e/c) eyes gazing down at him

"(Y/n)! ~ What brings you here precious!?"

"You would know if you checked your text messages"

"She's scary" Hinata mumbled

"The premier of my new movie is today and I wanted you to come with me to keep me company" the girl whin

Okiawa's eyes widen as he jumped to his feet

"I-I'm sorry (Y/n) I forgot"

"It doesn't matter i told them to change the date for next week anyway" the girl spoke looking t her freshly done nails

"You can do that?" Okiawa asked

"You doubt my power?" The girl glared causing the boy to back up a bit and quickly mumbled a quiet no

"Hey (Y/n) while your here and not busy stay and watch our practice" Takahiro suggested

"Yes darling stay and watch me crush these runts?" Okiawa pleaded looking at you with sparkling eyes

Sighing she nodded her head agreeing that she would stay and watch turning on her heel to head towards the stands Okiawa stopped her by wrapping his arms around her waist and whispered something in her ear

"You lied didn't you about the premiere ~ just to spend time with me?"

"Maybe~ now if you want and elbow in your gut you might want to move" she mumbled as her face was turning a bit red from the sudden public affection of the boy

Before pulling away he gave a small peak on her neck smirking as he headed back to the rest of his classmates leaving her a blushing mess and stumping off towards the stands

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