One Piece | Mihawk | Wine & Otherthings

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With the children in the kitchen cooking. Meaning Perona and Zoro. You sat out in the dinning hall sipping wine along side Mihawk as he was reading the newspaper with his own glass of wine in his hand.

The constant yelling from Perona and Zoro as they are having issues working together to make one meal was slowly getting on your nerves as the only time the castle is ever quiet is at night.

From glancing over towards the kitchen doorway than back to Mihawk as he has that same expression he always had on his face, you sighed quietly as you went back to looking down at your book that laid on your crisscrossed legs.

Feeling the urgent mess to look up as it felt like something was watching you. Leaning your head up, Mohawks eyes where on you as he downed the rest of the wine in the glass.

"This is really getting annoying" Mihawk stated as his eyes drifted towards the kitchen as Zoro at the moment had all three of his swords ready while Perona was trying to save the vegetable that Zoro was about to demolish.

"It's quieter outside" you spoked closing the book and tossing it onto the table before you.

"Care to join me than. You seemed annoyed as well with those two" Mihawk claimed as he stood up placing the newspaper on the table.

"Don't mind if I do"

Sneaking outside while the two children continue to argue in the kitchen. Mihawk sighed as he glanced over in your direction as your eyes where glued onto the crescent moon above your heads.

"I like your company much more than those twos" Mihawk suddenly spoke which snapped you out of your trance.

"Oh..really..that's nice to know..."

"Stay as long as you like..even if your Shanks friend.."

"I'll stay to keep you company...shanks doesn't need me..and plus..I'm the only one that can really keep those two kids in line" you laughed as smiled in Mihawks direction.

"However..we definitely are going to need more wine before the night is over with" you continued

"I agree...though is that really why you want to stay on this island?"

"Hmm..there might be something else..I'm not sure yet" you muttered as you adverted your eyes away from the man.

Though without even looking at him, you could still feel as if he was smirking.

"I do like you (y/n)" Mihawk spoke before turning heel and walking back into the castle.

"I do wonder how you feel. Though I'll let you think it over" he continued before leaving your sight.

"I like you too..hawk-eye Mihawk" you smiled as you follow him inside. However was only greeted with a crying Perona as she held what was left of a potato in her hand.

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