One Piece | Whos Who | Secret Romance | LEMON

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Being apart of the Beast Pirates is...Interesting to say the least. Especially since you work directly under King. The Wildfire himself. Who is a very quiet person that keeps to himself and never tells you to do anything as he always says he'll deal with things like jobs or small earns that Kaido asks himself.

Strolling down one of the many hallways of Kaido's castle. With a bottle of sake in one hand and your other hand resting on your hip you took a quick swig of the Alcoholic drink before groaning as you were bored. Only minutes ago over hearing from Bao Huang that Kaido was gathering the Tobi Roppa for something. That just left you with wondering the halls with nothing to do.

Coming in closer towards the area we're some of the Tobi Roppa's corridors were at. You wonder to yourself if a certain somebody has already left to see what the little meeting was about.

A smirk creep up onto your face as you poke your head inside the room we're only dimmed lights lit the inside of it up. Knocking on the frame of the door before walking in you sigh loudly to see that he must have already left.

"Damn..and I was hoping to spend some time with him today. Thanks a lot Kaido. Meeting probably evolves Yamato or those samurai he wouldn't shut up about". The young female groan as she turn on her heels and was about to leave the room until a sudden cold chill ran down her spine as she felt a presence behind her.

As she was about to snap her body around, a large muscular hand wrap itself around her waist and gently she was pulled back into a muscular bare chest. With only her eyes moving, she caught a glimpse of a dark blue tattoo and sigh loudly.

The man kneeled down as he placed his head on her shoulder as she heard a small hum come from him.

"Looking for me (y/n)".

Without even moving her head to look at the man, a small smile appear on her lips as she spoke.

"And here I thought you were already at that meeting with Kaido".

The woman turn around and face the half mask man as her nose nearly touch the edge of his mask. A huge smile appear on who's who face as he gently pick the woman up in his arms and walk back into the dimmed light room.

"Kaido can wait. You however my love. is more important".

The female wrap her arms around the man's neck as she pulled herself closer to his face and left a small peck as her smile Broaden.

"Oh who's who. I feel like I tell you this enough already. But..I love you".

A small chuckle escaped his lips as he gently put you down on a red velveteen sofa as he place both of his arms either side of your head.

"I love you more (y/n)".

The young female grab the hilt of his shirt and pulled him down closer to her as she place her lips onto his for a short while before pulling back with a smirk.

"I think we can squeeze in some alone time before Kaido sends Sasaki to find you like he did last time..which was..pretty amusing". The female spoke which left the man above her to laugh a bit. His hands slide behind the girl as he lift her up for a moment before switching spots with her. Leaving her to sit on his lap. Her hands went up to his mask and took it off as she stare in his eyes before leaning up and kissing him harshly.

Meanwhile. Ten minutes later, Kaido asks Sasaki to look for who's who since he's not answer his snail. And is now currently standing outside his rivals corridor regretting his life choices.

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