One Piece | Shanks | Nobody Else

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The event at marine ford left you in complete devastation. Only a few feet away from Ace as he died. Watching Teach steal Whitebeards power and shortly dying as well. It left the whole world shock.

Your whole body is still in a daze. Being carried over Vista shoulder onto Shanks ship. Apparently shanks ask him to do so. It's been twenty years since the last time you seen shanks. Since the day your previous captain Rodger was executed. You haven't kept in touch with either your closest friends. Or more like brothers. Shanks and Buggy. But there they where. In the flesh arguing like the old days.

You shortly pass out due to all the fighting you did. Last thing you could remember before closing your eyes was being bandage up by Shanks doctor as the captain himself was nowhere insight. Nor was Marco. So you only could assume they where planning where to burry Ace and Whitebeard.

Feeling a warm touch on you hand woke you up immediately. Snapping up in a instant, pain shot through out your whole body as groan loudly.

A deep chuckle caught your attention as you swiftly turn your head. And there he was. Shanks.

"It's been a long time Y/n. It's too bad we had to see each other again under these circumstances though." Shanks spoke. His voice bringing a smile on your face.

"Shanks." Your voice quiver as you could feel the tears brimming at the corner of your eyes.

"Everything is all set up. You want to say your goodbyes." Shanks ask as his hand was still laying on top of yours which was on your lap.

"I don't think I can." You mutter. Shanks still had that smile of his on his lips as he stood up from the edge of the bed.

"Take your time."


"Yes y/n."

"I should have...join your crew when you ask me...all those years ago...I'm sorry."

Shanks slowly sat back down on the bed and look at you with some confusion in his eyes yet hung his head low as he spoke quietly.

"There is nothing you need to be sorry for. It was stupid of me to ask you that..after watching our captain..."

"After this is over...after I say goodbye to them...Shanks..can I join your crew."

"There's more to that isn't there." Shanks ask as he lift his head up. His eyes locking with yours as you slowly clench your teeth as your hands bawl up into fist.

"You know me too well I guess..." you spoke quietly as you slowly got yourself out of bed. Standing up at the same time as Shanks as he held you by the waist. Your face flushing by his actions. Yet at the same time not bother.

"I want to get revenge..but..I'm afraid I'll underestimate Teach power..I'm not going to put anyone else I care about in harms way..."

"Y/n...your strong..your devil fruit is a powerful one..." Shanks grip on your side tighten as he pull you closer to his muscular chest. You head tilting back as he look down at you.

"Just take some time...wait..there's a new era coming soon..."

"Your talking about Luffy.."

"Let's go..Marco and the others are waiting."  Shanks spoke as his hand drop to your butt as he suddenly lift you up. Your face turning a shade of red as your hands immediately wrap around his neck.

"Shanks. what are you doing. My legs work perfectly fine you know."

"Hahaha~ your as cute as ever Y/n."

Your hand twirl a few of his red locks around your fingers as Shanks carry you out of the room and onto the deck.


"Yes y/n."

"Remember when Rayleigh ask you and Buggy which one of you was going to protect the crews princess."

"Of course I do.."

"You and buggy fought over me that whole day."

"Yeah we did."

"Shanks...I've been waiting to say this to you for twenty years."

Shanks stop in his tracks as he look at you out of the corner of his eyes. You glance over towards where everyone was standing at. The two large headstone.

"I love you Shanks..and I always have."

"Y/ really are something y/n...I love you too." Shanks spoke as you both had your faces facing the two large headstones.

"I fell like pops and Rodger are up there flipping out right now."

"The captains favorite girl and a snot noise brat being together...they would definitely have a lot to talk about." Shanks laugh as he face you. His lips tilting up into a smile.

"I miss them."

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