One Piece | Buggy | Attention Seeker

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It was just a normal day for the Buggy pirates. Doing nothing. You on the other hand where training all by your self just the way you like it. However, not exactly all alone as you felt as if you where being watch. And of course, by none other than your clown of a captain. Buggy. As well as long time friend.

While using your devil fruit powers on some trees, destroying them to a crisp with your electricity power. You could faintly hear the applause of someone clapping coming right behind you.

Of course you tilt your head back to look. And all you get to see was a pair of hands clapping without being attach to a body.

Sighing loudly to your captains childish ways. You stop your training, grab al hold of buggy's hands and carry them back to the owner as he was sitting on the ground behind a bush. His wide smile tremble as you glare down at him.

"Don't you have some important things to do. Captain?~."

"Hmm~ not really."

You quickly scoff at the man as you turn around, throwing his hands over your shoulder as they quickly reconnected to his body.

Although you only had walk a few feet away from him, you could sense that he was going to do something. You knew him to well for him to not try to do something else to get your attention.

You stop in your tracks as you felt a pair of hands on your waist. Your eyes closed as you where trying your best not to lose your temper with your dear Captain. Though in only seconds you felt his breath on your neck which cause your cheeks to burn up.

You open one eye to see Buggy resting his head on your shoulder while his hands wrap perfectly around your waist.

"What are you doing." You ask as you let out a long yet shaky breath as it's been a very long time since you two actually did anything like this. Not every since he would always fight with Shanks to get your attention.

"Do you not like being on my crew y/n."

You ponder for a second on what in the world he could be talking about. Of course you don't hate being on his crew. Unless he meant the time him and shanks actually had a heated fight on who's crew you would be joining right after watching your former captain Rodger being executed.

A tiny laugh escape your lips as you lay your head onto Buggy's. "Why would you even think that?. Yah somethings I question some of the things you do. But, In the end. Your my captain and my best friend."

Feeling a long breath coming from him as it hit your shoulder. You felt his head drift over to your back as he prompt it on top of your head. His hands still in the same place around your waist.

"Just as friends huh."

Hearing his faint mumbling. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks as it has just dawn to you.

"Buggy...your in love with me aren't you."

You could tell from him not responding to you that you must hit it right in the bull eyes. Your lips tilt up into a smile as you quietly chuckle to your self as you turn around and place your hands on either side of his face.

"Oh Buggy..I love you's kinda why I choose you over Shanks in the first place."

His eyes look up and lock with yours as his smile was coming back onto his face.


"Yes really." You spoke with a smile as you lean in quickly giving him a slight kiss on his forehead.

"Now go do some captain stuff. I having trying to do."

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