MHA | Shinso | Smile For Me

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"Shinso is here again"

"We'll of course he is!"

"Would you all calm down. Yes Shinso is here again. Where's (y/n)? I'm partnering you two up again" Aizawa announce as he looked in the crowd until he spot the (h/c) girl as she stood next to a rock forming small bubbles on the tips of her fingers

"Ok. Grab a partner and head off somewhere in here. (Y/n) you heard me right?"

"Yes. I'm coming"

"We'll you two. Train" Saying so Aiazwa than walked off somewhere

"We'll train together again today huh" Shinso mumbled as he glanced towards you though your attention was on Todoroki and Bakugo as ice and explosions were going everywhere.

"He only does it since we're a good match up. Think you can get into my mind today Shinso?"

"I'll attempt it" Shinso mumbled as he adverted his gaze away from you looking at the other students as they had already started

Forming a huge bubble around your body you looked straight at Shinso to see what he was going to come up with today

"I really don't want to do this" Shinso mumbled as he could feel his heart beat faster and faster. His eyes traveled up towards you as you were sitting in your bubble with your eyes shut. Clearly tired. Studying to much at night can cause that.

Shinso sighed loudly as he just stood there looking at you in your bubble. Deku had notice this and came jogging over. Taping on shinso's shoulder the purple hair boy looked at him with a blank expression.

"Why aren't you two training?" Deku asked. Shinso opened his mouth wanting to say something. However he knew there wasn't any possible way that he was going to under stand what he was about to say. Though deep down. He just wanted to tell someone. Hoping they could help him.

"The thing is midoriya...i think..I like (y/n)"

As Shinso glanced at Deku to see what his response is all he got was a confused look. Yet he spoke

"Oh! Like a friend. That's understandable. You two do always train together"

"No. Not like as friends..more than that"

"Just tell her than! Deku get over here and fight me!"

Looking over his shoulder there stood and angry bakugo. Glancing back down at Deku he only nodded his head and yelled good luck before running towards Bakugo.

"How though"

Mumbling to himself he didn't sense the presence of someone behind him until and arm wrapped around his shoulder and a familiar voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Yo Shinso~ why aren't you attacking. If i stayed in that bubble any much longer i was going to fall asleep!"

"Sorry (y/n)"

As shinso was looking down at the ground you sighed loudly as you just had to ask

"Ok. What's wrong Shinso. Your never this down and quiet"

"(Y/n). How do you tell someone you like them?"

"Just say it to them. Its either they like you back or they turn you down"

"Do you like..anyone?" Shinso mumbled as his eyes Shakingly move up to look at your face

"I do actually"

Shinsos eyes were still glued onto you. Waiting to hear what you were going to say

"He has purple hair. Quiet. And sometimes acts like Aiazwa...I'm talking about you Shinso"

"Wait! Are you serious!"

"Of course I am. Why are you. So surprised. Like come on. Must I give you a list of how much we have in common.. and so on"


"That's what you wanted to know right? If i liked you back"

Nodding his head you smiled happily as you lightly punched his shoulder

"Now than. Don't go easy on your new girlfriend Shinso"

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