MHA | Hawks | Emotions

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Working at Endeavor ps a fence was a major headache to you. Not as much as working with the man, but mostly having to deal with him when Hawks was around since he worked there too..They really don't like each all...or..that's what it just seems.

"Just fill out these reports before you leave Hawks" you spoke shoving a file filled with papers in the man's face. He only chuckled as he moved your arm down.

"(Y/n) since it's you asking. I will"


"Oh Endeavor your back..I didn't even know you knew what that was" Hawks joked as steam was soon to be rolling out of Endeavors ears.

"Oh- just get back to work!" Endever responded. Lot calmer than expected. Must be because Todoroki and his two friends just walked through the doorway right behind him.

"I'll see you later than (y/n)~" Hawks hummed as he headed towards the front doors.

You sighed as you waved back, although as you lifted your hand up from your side, you realized that the file was still in your hand. Clinching your teeth you looked up to see Hawks chuckling as he walked outside.

"Hawks! your not getting away that easily"

Running after the Man, you stormed outside nearly knocking him over has he stopped suddenly. With your face planted into Hawks feathers you only growled as you stepped back and rubbed your forehead.

"Didn't know you liked me so much Y/n that you would chase after me"

"Oh shut it Hawks" you growled as you grab ahold of his hand and stuck the file in his hand as you turned your back to him heading back inside the building.

"We should really get some coffee together sometime y/n"

"Why..I see you enough already"

"We'll..I don't see you enough" Hawks hummed as he walked up behind you.

You tilted your head back looking up at him as a smiled appeared on his lips. Your irritated expression soon disappeared as you could see it in his eyes he wasn't joking like he usually dose. He really means it.

"Like..a date" you mumbled as you dropped your head down as your felt your face heat up.

"A date...we can call it about tomorrow morning..before we come here" Hawks spoke as he slipped his hand under your chin and lifted up so your eyes meet with his again.

" for me.." he spoked smiling, his hand shortly left your chin as he walked away.

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