Chapter 34

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George couldn't help but start to panic, but he couldn't move to get himself out. when he tried to shift, even just a inch, a whimper of pain slipped from his lips. that immediately made Dream freeze, but not tense. he felt like Dream was staring into his soul, even if he had a blindfold on. a sick twisted smile slipped onto Dreams face after a second, and he whispered:

"Aww, he's having a nightmare."

the quite terrifying man started to walk again, his footsteps much less loud, seemingly to be not to wake George. it was small thing like that, that always seemed to make his heart flu- NO. George refused to ever, ever fall back into hi old crush for Dream. that crush was for the man Dream no longer was. the sweet quiet kid, the one friend who would help you fight the word, who would run away with you in the dead of night. this Dream? this Dream is nothing but a cold hearted murderer. Dream ruined his life.

He started to quickly think about how to escape. Dream didn't know he was awake, so that was good. That he had to his advantage. But everything else was against him. His friends weren't here, he didn't know how far this room was, or how much time he had, nor could he even move. This seemed impossible.

The thought of having trapped like this, having no say in what was going to happen too him, made him start to cry. Now, George never really cried, but.. but he had nothing else he could do. His one advantage was useless, and he wanted to do something, so he gave it up to cry. Let out what sadness had boiled up since he realized he was stuck.

That immediately made Dream stop, and go into another room, sitting against the door as he comforted George. To George's surprise, he actually took off the blindfold. George slowly opened his eyes, looking into the eyes of dreams smiling mask, before looking away and wiping his tears with a sniffle.

Dream was quiet for a second, before making a half hearted joke.

"So uh.. you weren't asleep after all, huh?"

George ignored him, instead taking in the beauty of the room. Dream always had such a beautiful choice in his rooms, so George had been surprised when Dream had picked something futuristic for George's room. This room was much more of the murderers style.

Down the hall was a bedroom, that George could only assume was Dreams

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Down the hall was a bedroom, that George could only assume was Dreams. Instead of trying to joke back with Dream, he asked plainly, his voice full of fear and sadness.

"What do you want with me now?"

Dream sighed, shaking his head. He was watching George as he spoke, seeming to be admiring his victim.

"You know that already. Come on, ask what you're actually curious about."

Georges head immediately snapped towards Dream, and he yelled for the first time in years. Not raising his voice, truly yelling.

"NO! NO, YOU- YOU DONT GET IT! All I did was exist at my job! And after- after WEEKS of being missing, you just SHOW UP, and expect me to be so happy you're alive! You never even stopped to think about how I was feeling! I was so worried, I thought you were dead, but NO, you were a fucking MURDERER! That's so much better, right?! You couldn't even send a message to tell me you were alive?!"

George struggled for a second, but managed to push himself off Dreams lap, which surprised Dream. George was too angry to be surprised.

"You just- you just kidnapped me too! 'Oh, hey George, sorry, I'm not dead actually! By the way, I'm going to knock you out now and hold you captive in this hellhole of a mansion! Hope you don't mind!' what kind of fucking hello is that?! And now you expect me to be all over you! How- how fucking selfish and narcissistic can you be?!"





Dream sighed, trying to get a hold on himself. He took off his mask, to look a fuming George in the eyes, fighting the gaze of hatred with his own.. regretful eyes?

"I know. I know what I did was just.. so shitty, but I couldn't take any risks. You were a cop, and I'm a mafia leader. Those clash a lot, especially knowing you would never corrupt, even for me. I can't blame you for hating me, I do get where you're coming from, but.. please, just give me another chance to fix this, alright? I won't change you, I'll get you a different room, I won't even chain you up. You'll be free to do whatever, just.. please, let me try again. Please."

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