Chapter 39

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George and Dream had talked out a lot. Enough to make George slightly see Dreams point of view. Of course, that didn't mean he didn't still hate the man. After all, Dream did kidnap him.. twice. He even seemed to forget about the whole, turning George into a mushroom thing.

Right now, they were sat on Dreams bed, simply talking while George picked at some food Dream had called for. It was crab, for.. some reason. George never liked crab, but he was starving. He didn't have a real meal once when he was with the group, so this was nice.

Dream had stopped talking just to listen to George rant about the others, with a small smile on his face. Not a evil one, but a genuine, soft smile. The one George hadn't seen since high school.

"And- oh, don't even get me started on Schlatt! He always, ALWAYS seemed to have beer on him! Even when we ran out of food he still had fucking alcohol! It's like he made it or something! I swear, there's something between him and Quackity. There's always just a tense silence between them, I don't understand it."

Dream spoke up, without really thinking about the secret he was giving away.

"Schlatt is Quackitys past lover, but Schlatt doesn't remember. That's why it's always so tense."

George blinked, clearly surprised.

"He's.. gay?"

Dream nodded a little, stealing some of George's barely touched food.

"Yeah. He's flirting with one of my agents right now.. well, was, don't know what happened after he left. The guys name was Karl or something, dude has a horrible memory, but he always gets places way faster then even Phil. I don't know how he does it."

George smiled a little, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"He does? Is he.. you know.. human?"

Dream nodded, covering his mouth as not to be rude, since he just took a bite of food.

"Yeah! Through and through. Some guy named James or something said he saw Karl teleport, but that's not possible."

George couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yeah, Demons and Piglins aren't possible either, smiles."

That made the green man laugh quite hard.

"Okay, you got me there. But still, teleportation? It sounds fake. I don't really know, but as long as he gets the jobs done, I don't care."

George nodded a little, still picking at his food.

"Yeah, I guess that's fair."

The two sat in silence as the fan turned on, and George took this time to actually get a look at Dreams room. It was breathtaking in its own way, it's colour scheme matching Dreams perfectly.

 It was breathtaking in its own way, it's colour scheme matching Dreams perfectly

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It was very royal looking, that's for sure.

Dream noticed George staring, and smirked a little, immediately making a dirty joke.

"Do you like the bed? "

George nodded a little, sort of distracted.

"Yeah, actually. It's pretty comfy."

Dream sat up, and turned George's face to look at him.

"I think it would be more comfortable if you were pinned to it."

The British man Immediately got red and started to stutter, not expecting that at all. He smacked Dreams hand away, turning his back to his kidnapper out of protest.

Dream smiled a little, and moved up, hugging George from behind, and wrapping his arms around the smaller man. He rested his head on George's shoulder, mumbling softly.

"God's, I missed you so much."

George tensed at first, but slowly forced himself to relax, a small smile coming onto his face without him knowing. He closed his eyes, and leaned against Dream.

"I.. I missed you too."

Dream pulled away, and help George get to his feet after a minute or so. He figured George wasn't going to finish his food.

"Come on, I want to show you your new room."

As they started to walk out of the room, George stayed behind Dream. He was surprised Dream had let him just walk around without any restriction, but in truth, he was distracted by something he considered more important.

Something his eyes.. his unusually, red and green eyes, gave away.


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