Chapter 42

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The call went silent, before Sapnap spoke again.

"George, are you okay?"

George sighed a little, crossing his arms.

"I mean, I guess? Dream took me, but he's being weird. He's offering me free will and shit. He even gave me this phone. Look, I just need your help. You know this place, and I need to get out. Is there anyone willing to come get me with you?"

Sapnap paused, thinking.

"I.. I would have to check, but I think Techno and Bad I would be up for it. Maybe Quackity-"

"Oh god, do not bring Quackity!"

That caught Sapnap off guard.

"What? Why?"

George stood up, and walked to his window, looking of it. There wasn't any lights outside, so it was pitch black.

"He's a spy, Dream told me about it. Also told me about a guy named Karl who works for him."

Sapnap went silent, before letting out a harsh sigh. That was a sign of anger.

"That little.. he was flirting with me too! Okay, okay, that's fine. I can get him out of here. I'll ask around, okay? Just.. just stay put. It's going to take us a while to get there, unless someone finds like, a hundred jet packs. Do you want to talk to anyone?"

George smiled softly.

"No, I.. I really only wanted to talk to you. How is everyone holding up?"

Sapnap was the one to stand and go to a window this time, leaning on a wall as he watches Tubbo and Ranboo play with their son.

"They're worried, but okay. Ranboo got taken over by something at one point, but it went away quickly. And are you sure you're alright? There was just.. so much blood."

That surprised George.

"Blood? I don't remember bleeding.. hold on."

He put the phone down, putting it on speaker as he stripped down, checking his body in the mirror.

"Holy shit."

He was covered in cuts and wounds, from chest to toe. Some were from glass, others looked like they were from falling onto something sharp, others he couldn't place. He looked completely beaten up, and just.. hadn't noticed?

"I look like shit, oh my. God, I need to shower. How the fuck did I.. wait."

He remembered now. He fought Dream when he showed up.

George was a very light sleeper, so he woke up as soon as he heard Dream slip through the window. He quickly got up, grabbing a dagger to protect himself against the man who broke in. Dream didn't even say a word, just just attacked George, who honestly didn't know how to fight. Instead of fighting, he ended up just damaging himself badly by falling against his dresser, then onto the broken glass, not to mention the cuts Dream gave him in his attempt to make George pass out. Soon enough, he actually did pass out from bloodloss.

"I.. remember what happened now. The blood was from me trying to defend myself, and failing so badly. I just.. they're healed now, kind of. "

Sapnap sighed a little over the call.

"Well, I guess that makes sense. We all thought he was trying to kill you or something, because it looked like a murder scene."

George laughed a little as he got dressed again, switching it back from speaker when he was finished

"Yeah, I can understand why. Tell tubs I'm sorry for Dream breaking his window."

Sapnap laughed, but agreed.

"Alright, fine. I have to go, I gotta get that rescue party together. Stay safe, okay?"

"Alright, night man."

George heard the beep as soon as he finished speaking. He hung up, putting the phone on the desk as he stared outside.

He would be home soon.

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