The idea was originally found in A_Bored_Reader Undertale ideas for stories that hit me like the brick called Reborn! I asked permission to use it. Read the original if you're interested, but it contains quite a few spoilers for this story.
"#Thoughts ofError / Goth#" AU= Alternative Universe]
– Have you two told Goth, about the Forest of outcasts? – asked Nightmare / Palette with a smile, drawing attention to himself.
– No! Not yet! – admitted Astronomy.
– Super! I can't wait to show you! – Nightmare / Palette open the gate, dragged Goth after himself holding his hand. Ink and Dream become visibly worry, seeing where they were going to go. – I already know, who you will be! – said, not caring about his surroundings.
Nova and Astronomy looked at each other apparently, they weren't used seeing him so enthusiastic either, but they followed him anyway.
This time the other side of the gate led direct to Palette's room.
Compared to, how much Nightmare didn't like in past to have someone in his room... Now he let them in pretty easily. He was used to it; it was part of his friendship with Nova and Astronomy, that they played in his room. But that didn't mean he was completely okay with it! In fact, he was still tense when someone touched his stuff. He hated having to share his own space. But Ink and Dream let them in! And not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to himself, he just smiled and pretended that everything was fine, with his opinion being ignored again!
Entering the room, Error / Goth immediately recognized most of the member of Gang symbolically drawn on the wall. The dark purple wolf is Dust, the hyena with red eye, who head was tied with bandage is Horror, the black-blue wild cat are Killer and the black white fox is Cross.
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As he ran his fingers through the drawings one by one, he couldn't stop himself from smiling. It felt good to see them, even if only in this form.
"No matter, how much we started to hate everything related with paints because of Ink! I knew Error would be at least as happy to see them, as I was!" smiled Nightmare / Palette.
– The owl is Astronomy; the deer are Nova – showed Nightmare / Palette the drawings. Nova and Astronomy were very happy with their choice. Error / Goth nodded, not really interested. – the crystal bird is me – his choice surprised Error / Goth a little.
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