Chapter 75: The first training of the new group

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[Writer's/My comments]

["Thoughts of Nightmare / Palette"

"#Thoughts of Error / Goth#"

"֍ Fate ֍"

Warnings: Secrecy, mention of wounds and pain, descriptions, arguments, combat, and the use of various magical potion mixtures.]

The binding magic was painfully engraved in their bones the moment they signed the nondisclosure agreement. Shard was the first of the members to sign it, as a result of which he was the first to experience the engrave into his hand taking shape on his bones before he disappeared without a trace. The others watched the scene in lost, knowing that this was waiting for them too... They all turned to Palette and Goth with wide eyes, who showed no sign of pain.

– It would be problematic if others could find traces of the contract – Nightmare / Palette pulled up the sleeve of his outfit and touched the place where his engrave was and used magic to make it visible again for a while.

 – It would be problematic if others could find traces of the contract – Nightmare / Palette pulled up the sleeve of his outfit and touched the place where his engrave was and used magic to make it visible again for a while

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– Me and Phoenix are able to reveal and dissolve parts of the secrecy if someone wishes so, but neither is recommended – he explained, seeing their questioning looks. – Signing the contract is the minimum if you want to leave unscathed! – he added darkly. They all understood the threatening seriousness of his words, even if they felt it was a bit much and not all of them understood fully why he was going to such lengths...

Fate watched with passive interest as they built a new team around themselves. Slowly, the time of fighting came and it seemed that history would repeat itself in dramatic fashion. Fate thought with a dark smile of the moment when Palette and Goth would reveal themselves. And the other players who were dragged into it also had some potential to have fun with. Preparing for a fight is a good time for them to start actively moving the threads.

– Anyone who has changed their mind can still leave – Error/Goth reminded them without much interest.

 – If you stay, the four of us will need other code names since my parents know ours – Nightmare/Palette not wanting to leave anything to luck

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– If you stay, the four of us will need other code names since my parents know ours – Nightmare/Palette not wanting to leave anything to luck.

– And I will make the disguises for those who require them – Goth took it upon himself.

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