The idea was originally found in A_Bored_Reader Undertale ideas for stories that hit me like the brick called Reborn! I asked permission to use it. Read the original if you're interested, but it contains quite a few spoilers for this story.
Warnings: Pretended kindness, many appearance descriptions and Chaos' inappropriate comment.]
They shorten the way there by teleporting a little. And because of this, they arrived sooner in front of the Palace of the Gods, which was decorated with the colors, symbols and necessary decorations of the Night of Remembrance. The wind greeted the arrivers with the petals of the flowers in the front yard.
The millions of red and black lanterns created an interesting contrast to the originally cream-colored walls covered with golden borders, and with the building that glory was worthy for Gods.
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[The image shows the building without the decorations, put on because the event.]
Fortunately, most of the decorations were on the inside of the building, but there were deadlights/wisps pulsing in different colors of gold and flame, floating around the whole building, which made it really atmospheric.
– Since the Night of Remembrance is about dead, Grim and my parents tend to welcome the arrivals – Error/Goth studying the results of their work. – Now that the souls are helping them, they will have more time to enjoy the event and won't have to run around as much... – he continued with a soft smile.
– Death never sleeps... – Nightmare/Palette somewhat amused at the thought. Goth laughed a little at the irony of the proverb.
Entering through the huge arched gate, it was not difficult for them to spot the bored Geno, in the white blood-stained clothes.
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As part of his outfit, he wears a slightly bloody white rose, that was tied in front of his glitch covered eye, while his other eye was blue with a hint of red. On top, an ornament imitating a corset made the dress interesting, while the part of the skirt was with multi-layered frills. The bows at the neck and waist looked a bit big, while the ones at the arms were barely visible. And as he held an umbrella that matched his dress, the sleeve of the ruffled dress slid up to reveal a lace-embellished white glove.